UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 Form U-5S ANNUAL REPORT For the year ended December 31, 2002 Filed pursuant to the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 by CenterPoint Energy, Inc. 1111 Louisiana Houston, Texas 70002 Utility Holding, LLC 200 West Ninth Street Plaza Suite 411 Wilmington, Delaware 19801

ITEM 1. SYSTEM COMPANIES AND INVESTMENTS THEREIN AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2002 See Exhibit F-1 attached hereto for the information required by this Item for CenterPoint Energy, Inc. ("CenterPoint") and its subsidiaries. ITEM 2. ACQUISITIONS OR SALES OF UTILITY ASSETS None. ITEM 3. ISSUE, SALE, PLEDGE, GUARANTEE OR ASSUMPTION OF SYSTEM SECURITIES All transactions have been reported in certificates filed pursuant to Rule 24. ITEM 4. ACQUISITION, REDEMPTION OR RETIREMENT OF SYSTEM SECURITIES None, other than short-term debt. 2

ITEM 5. INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES OF NONSYSTEM COMPANIES Description Number of % of Nature Owner's Book Value Investor Investee of Security Shares Voting Power of Business (in millions) -------- -------- ----------- ------ ------------ ----------- ------------- Reliant Energy AOL-Time Warner Common 21,640,246 0.5% media and $284 Investment Management entertainment CenterPoint Energy Pantellos Corporation Common 191,950 1.9% supply chain Houston Electric, LLC services for utility and energy industries ITEM 6. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS - PART I. The positions of officers and directors of system companies as of December 31, 2002 were as follows (see below for position and address key codes): CNP TRANSITION DIRECTORS AND CENTERPOINT UTILITY CNP FUNDING CNP HOUSTON BOND OFFICERS ENERGY, INC. HOLDING, LLC COMPANY ELECTRIC, LLC COMPANY Milton Carroll (1) D, COB John T. Cater (1) D O. Holcombe Crosswell (1) D Robert J. Cruikshank (1) D T. Milton Honea (1) D Thomas F. Madison (1) D David M. McClanahan (1) D, P, CEO D, C, P M, C Michael E. Shannon (1) D Scott E. Rozzell (1) EVP, GC, S VP, S EVP, GC, S EVP, GC, S 3

Stephen C. Schaeffer (1) EVP, GP Gary L. Whitlock (1) EVP, CFO VP EVP, CFO M, P James S. Brian (1) SVP, CAO SVP, CAO M, SVP, CAO Johnny L. Blau (1) SVP Preston Johnson, Jr. (1) SVP Ianne H. McCrea (1) SVP, CIO Thomas R. Standish (1) P David G. Tees (1) SVP Bernard J. Angelo (10) M Patricia F. Genzel (2) M, P, S Andrew L. Stidd (10) M Jeff W. Bonham (1) VP Rick L. Campbell (1) VP Walter L. Fitzgerald (1) VP, CO VP, C Patricia F. Graham (1) VP John C. Houston (1) VP Marc Kilbride (1) VP, T VP, T VP, T M, VP, T Floyd J. LeBlanc (1) VP Joseph A. Lopez (1) VP Andi J. McCormac (1) VP Joseph B. McGoldrick (1) VP Doyle W. McQuillon (1) VP, GM Sharon Michael-Owens (1) VP H. Wayne Roesler (1) VP Steven H. Schuler (1) VP Rufus S. Scott (1) VP, DGC, AS VP, AS VP, DGC, AS VP, DGC, AS Jim F. Schaefer (1) VP, GM Allan E. Schoeneberg (1) VP Charles A. Smith (1) VP, AS C. Dean Woods (1) VP Richard B. Dauphin (1) AS AS AS AS Gretchen H. Denum (1) AS Linda Geiger (1) AT AT AT AT 4

HI FINANCECO RE FINANCECO RE FINANCECO RE FINANCECO IV DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS GP, LLC II GP, LLC III GP, LLC GP, LLC David M. McClanahan (1) P P P P Scott E. Rozzell (1) EVP, S EVP, S VP, S VP, S Gary L. Whitlock (1) EVP, CFO EVP, CFO VP, CFO James S. Brian (1) SVP, CAO SVP, CAO VP, CAO Marc Kilbride (1) M, VP, T M, VP, T M, VP, T M, VP, T Rufus S. Scott (1) VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS Richard B. Dauphin (1) AS AS AS AS Linda Geiger (1) AT AT AT AT CNP CNP INVESTMENT CNP CNP THERMAL ENERGY, INC. MANAGEMENT, MANAGEMENT CNP DISTRICT SYSTEMS DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS (DE) INC. SERVICES, INC. COOLING, LLC (DELAWARE), INC. David M. McClanahan (1) D D, C D, C Scott E. Rozzell (1) VP, S VP, S Gary L. Whitlock (1) VP VP David G. Barker (1) P D, P Patricia F. Genzel (2) D, P, S D, P, S Mike W. Watters (1) D D Raymond C. Ehmer (1) VP VP Marc Kilbride (1) VP, T VP, T Kamini D. Patel (2) VP, AS VP, AS Richard B. Dauphin (1) AS AS Linda Geiger (1) AT AT CNP POWER CNP PRODUCTS, CNP PROPERTIES, DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS SYSTEMS, INC. INC. INC. CNP TEGCO, INC. David M. McClanahan (1) C D, P D, C, P D, P Scott E. Rozzell (1) VP, S VP, S VP, S VP, S Stephen C. Schaeffer (1) D, VP Gary L. Whitlock (1) VP James S. Brian (1) Marc Kilbride (1) VP, T VP, T D, VP, T VP, T Allan E. Schoeneberg (1) VP 5

Rufus S. Scott (1) VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS Richard Snyder (1) P, COO Richard B. Dauphin (1) AS AS AS AS Linda Geiger (1) AT AT AT AT HL&P RECEIVABLES, NORAM ENERGY DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS INC. CORP. RE WATER, INC. David M. McClanahan (1) P P P Scott E. Rozzell (1) VP, S VP, S VP, S James S. Brian (1) D, VP D, VP Marc Kilbride (1) VP, T VP, T VP, T Rufus S. Scott (1) VP, S VP, AS Richard B. Dauphin (1) AS AS AS Linda Geiger (1) AT AT AT TEXAS GENCO TEXAS GENCO TEXAS GENCO UTILITY RAIL UFI SERVICES, DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS HOLDINGS, INC. GP, LLC LP, LLC SERVICES, INC. INC. J. Evans Attwell (1) D Donald R. Campbell (1) D Robert J. Cruikshank (1) D Patricia A. Hemingway Hall (1) D David M. McClanahan (1) D, COB C, P C, P Scott E. Rozzell (1) D, EVP, GC, S EVP, GC, S VP, S VP, S David G. Tees (1) D, P, CEO M, P Gary L. Whitlock (1) D, EVP, CFO EVP, CFO James S. Brian (1) SVP, CAO SVP, CAO D, VP D, VP Patricia F. Genzel (2) M, P, S Walter L. Fitzgerald (1) VP, C Marc Kilbride (1) VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T Joseph B. McGoldrick (1) VP Michael A. Reed (1) VP VP Rufus S. Scott (1) VP, DGC, AS VP, DGC, AS VP, AS VP, AS Jerome D. Svatek (1) VP Richard B. Dauphin (1) AS AS AS AS Linda Geiger (1) AT AT AT AT 6

ARKANSAS CNP ALG GAS ALLIED LOUISIANA ARKLA ARKLA RESOURCES, SUPPLY MATERIALS FINANCE INDUSTRIES, PRODUCTS DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS CORP. COMPANY CORPORATION CORPORATION INC. COMPANY David M. McClanahan (1) D, C, P, CEO D, C, CEO D, P Scott E. Rozzell (1) EVP, GC, S VP, S VP, S VP, S VP, S EVP, S Stephen C. Schaeffer (1) EVP, GP Gary L. Whitlock (1) EVP, CFO D, VP D, VP James S. Brian (1) SVP, CAO D, VP D, VP D, VP D Preston Johnson, Jr. (1) SVP Kathleen Gardner Alexander (5) AS D, VP, GC VP, AS D Constantine S. Liollio (1) D, P D, P D, P Jerry W. Plant (4) D, P Wayne D. Stinnett, Jr. (1) D, VP Walter L. Fitzgerald (1) VP, CO Marc Kilbride (1) VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T Rufus S. Scott (1) VP, DGC, AS VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS Brenda A. Bjorklund (8) AS Richard B. Dauphin (1) AS AS AS AS AS AS Daniel O. Hagen (8) AS George C. Hepburn, III (1) AS VP, AS Linda Geiger (1) AT AT AT AT AT AT Michelle Willis (3) AS CNP FIELD BLUE JAY CNP CNP CNP FIELD SERVICES CNP GAS CNP GAS GAS ALTERNATIVE CONSUMER SERVICES, HOLDINGS, PROCESSING, MARKETING DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS COMPANY FUELS, INC. GROUP, INC. INC. INC. INC. COMPANY David M. McClanahan (1) D, P D, C Scott E. Rozzell (1) VP, S VP, S VP, S VP, S VP, S VP, S VP, S Edwin J. Spiegel (7) SVP Kevin J. Blase (7) VP Gary M. Cerny (8) P 7

Walter L. Ferguson (1) D, VP Hugh G. Maddox (3) D, SVP, COO D, SVP Benjamin J. Reese (1) VP Wayne D. Stinnett, Jr. (1) D, VP D, P Cyril J. Zebot (1) D, VP D, VP Marc Kilbride (1) VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T Andrea L. Newman (8) VP Rufus S. Scott (1) VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS Brenda A. Bjorklund (8) AS Richard B. Dauphin (1) AS AS AS AS AS AS AS George C. Hepburn, III (1) VP, AS Linda Geiger (1) AT AT AT AT AT AT AT Michelle Willis (3) AS AS CNP - ILLINOIS CNP GAS CNP GAS CNP GAS GAS RECEIVABLES, RESOURCES, TRANSMISSION CNP HUB TRANSMISSION DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS LLC CORP. COMPANY SERVICES, INC. COMPANY David M. McClanahan (1) D, CH D, P Scott E. Rozzell (1) EVP, GC, S VP, S VP, S VP, S VP, S Gary L. Whitlock (1) M, P James S. Brian (1) SVP, CAO Frank B. Bilotta (9) IM Walter L. Ferguson (1) D, VP D, VP Constantine S. Liollio (1) VP Benjamin J. Reese (1) VP Wayne D. Stinnett, Jr. (1) D, P Cyril J. Zebot (1) VP D, VP VP Walter L. Fitzgerald (1) VP, CO Robert C. Hausler (1) VP Marc Kilbride (1) M, VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T Rufus S. Scott (1) VP, DGC, AS VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS Robert A. Trost (7) VP Richard B. Dauphin (1) AS AS AS AS AS 8

George C. Hepburn, III (1) VP, AS Linda Geiger (1) AT AT AT AT AT Michelle Willis (3) AS CNP INTRASTATE PINE PIPELINE CNP CNP RETAIL HOLDINGS, ACQUISITION MARKETING, INTERESTS, CNP - MRT CNP MRT DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS LLC COMPANY INC. INC. CORPORATION HOLDINGS, INC. David M. McClanahan (1) D, P Scott E. Rozzell (1) VP, S VP, S VP, S VP, S VP, S Walter L. Ferguson (1) D, VP Benjamin J. Reese (1) VP Wayne D. Stinnett, Jr. (1) D, P D, P Cyril J. Zebot (1) M, VP M, VP VP D, P Marc Kilbride (1) VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T Rufus S. Scott (1) VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS Robert A. Trost (7) VP Richard B. Dauphin (1) AS AS AS AS AS Linda Geiger (1) AT AT AT AT AT Michelle Willis (3) AS Sylvia Z. Zuroweste (7) AS CNP MRT CNP TRADING & SERVICES CNP PIPELINE TRANSPORTATION DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS COMPANY SERVICES, INC. CNP OQ, LLC GROUP, INC. David M. McClanahan (1) D, P Scott E. Rozzell (1) VP, S VP, S VP, S VP, S Walter L. Ferguson (1) D, VP D, VP Cyril J. Zebot (1) VP Marc Kilbride (1) VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T Rufus S. Scott (1) VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS Robert A. Trost (7) D, VP, GM Richard B. Dauphin (1) AS AS AS AS Linda Geiger (1) AT AT AT AT 9

Michelle Willis (3) AS Sylvia Z. Zuroweste (7) AS LOUISIANA UNIT ENTEX GAS ENTEX OIL & INDUSTRIAL GAS MARKETING ENTEX NGV, GAS GAS SUPPLY TRANSMISSION DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS COMPANY INC. COMPANY CORPORATION INTEX, INC. COMPANY David M. McClanahan (1) D, C, P D, P C, P D D Scott E. Rozzell (1) VP, S VP, S VP, S VP, S VP, S VP, S Benjamin J. Reese (1) VP VP VP VP Wayne D. Stinnett, Jr. (1) D, SVP D, VP D, SVP D, C, P D, P D, C, P Marc Kilbride (1) VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T Rufus S. Scott (1) VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS Richard B. Dauphin (1) AS AS AS AS AS AS George C. Hepburn, III (1) VP, AS VP, GC, AS Linda Geiger (1) AT AT AT AT AT AT 10

MINNESOTA NORAM INTRASTATE NATIONAL UTILITY RE FUNDS UNIT GAS UNITED GAS, PIPELINE FURNACE SERVICES, MANAGEMENT, TRANSMISSION INC. DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS COMPANY COMPANY INC. INC. COMPANY David M. McClanahan (1) D, C D, P D D, P Scott E. Rozzell (1) VP, S VP, S VP, S EVP, S VP, S VP, S Benjamin J. Reese (1) VP Wayne D. Stinnett, Jr. (1) D, C, P James S. Brian (1) D Kathleen Gardner Alexander (5) D, VP, AS Gary M. Cerny (8) D, P Kenneth Clowes D, P Phillip R. Hammond (8) D, VP Constantine S. Liollio (1) D, P Marc Kilbride (1) VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T Rufus S. Scott (1) VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS Brenda A. Bjorklund (8) AS Richard B. Dauphin (1) AS AS AS AS AS AS George C. Hepburn, III (1) VP, AS Linda Geiger (1) AT AT AT AT AT AT CNP CNP RE EL RE EL INTERNATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL SALVADOR, INTERNATIONAL II, HIE FORD HEIGHTS, DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS INC. HOLDINGS, LLC S.A. DE C.V. INC. INC. David M. McClanahan (1) D, C, P Joseph B. McGoldrick (1) VP M, VP D, VP D, VP Scott E. Rozzell (1) EVP, S VP, S VP, S VP, S Gary L. Whitlock (1) D, EVP P P P Marc Kilbride (1) VP, T VP, T D VP, T VP, T Steven H. Schuler (1) VP VP VP Rufus S. Scott (1) VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS VP, AS Richard B. Dauphin (1) AS AS AS AS Linda Geiger (1) AT AT AT AT 11

HIE RE RE RAIN CNP CNP FULTON, INDIA, RAIN, CALCINING INTERNATIONAL LIGHT, HI ENERGY DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS INC. INC. INC. LIMITED SERVICES, INC. INC. HOLDINGS I B.V. Joseph B. McGoldrick (1) D, VP D, VP D, VP D, VP D, VP D Scott E. Rozzell (1) VP, S VP, S VP, S Gary L. Whitlock (1) P P P Marc Kilbride (1) VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T VP, T Steven H. Schuler (1) VP D, VP D, VP D VP D, VP Rufus S. Scott (1) VP, AS VP, AS Douglas H. Darrow (1) D D D Richard B. Dauphin (1) AS AS AS AS AS Linda Geiger (1) AT AT AT AT AT RE WORLDWIDE RE RE HIE BRASIL RE BRAZIL RE RE VENUS ELECTRIC DIRECTORS AND BRASIL, BRAZIL RIO SUL INTERNATIONAL TIETE COLOMBIA OUTSOURCE GENERATION HOLDINGS OFFICERS LTDA. LTD. LTDA. BRASIL LTDA. LTD LTDA. LTD. EL SALVADOR B.V. Steven H. Schuler (1) DM D DM DM D D D D A. POSITIONS CODES ADT Administrative Trustee AS Assistant Secretary AT Assistant Treasurer C Chairman CAO Chief Accounting Officer CEO Chief Executive Officer CFO Chief Financial Officer CIO Chief Information Officer CO Controller COB Chairman of the Board COO Chief Operating Officer D Director DGC Deputy General Counsel DM Delegate Member DTR Delaware Trustee 12

EVP Executive Vice President GC General Counsel GM General Manager GP Group President IM Independent Manager M Manager P President S Secretary SVP Senior Vice President T Treasurer TR Trustee VP Vice President B. ADDRESS CODES 1. 1111 Louisiana, Houston, Texas 77002; 2. 200 West Ninth Street Plaza, Suite 411, Wilmington, Delaware 19801; 3. 525 Milam Street, Shreveport, Louisiana 71101; 4. 2301 N. W. 39th Expressway, Suite 200, Oklahoma City, OK 73112; 5. 401 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 102, Little Rock, AR 72201; 6. 700 W. Linden Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403; 7. 9900 Clayton Road, St. Louis, Missouri 63124; 8. 800 LaSalle, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402; 9. 114 West 47th Street, Suite 1715, New York, New York 10036; 10. 400 West Main Street, Suite 338, Babylon, New York 11702; 11. Avenida Paulista, 1499, 12 ander, sala P, Sao Paulo, Brasil 01311-928; 12. Koningslaan 34, 1075 AD, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 13. 6-3-57 1/2, 2nd Floor, "Rockvista" Rockdale Estate, Somajiguda, Hyderabad - 500 082, India; 14. 3a Calle Poniente, Numero 3689, Col. Escalon, San Salvador, El Salvador; 15. P.O. Box 309, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, BWI; 16. Av. Dr. Chucri Zaidan No. 920 - 8th Floor, 04583-904, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil; 17. 3rd Floor, Cerne House, La Chaussee, Port Louis, Republic of Mauritius; 18. Rua Libero Badaro, 293, 20th Floor, cj. A., Suite 3, Sao Paulo - SP - Brasil; 19. Schouwburgplein 30-34, 3012 Rotterdam, The Netherlands 13

ITEM 6. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS - PART II. FINANCIAL CONNECTIONS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2001 CenterPoint and its subsidiaries have no officers or directors with a financial connection within the provisions of Section 17(c) of the Act. ITEM 6. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS - PART III. (a) Compensation of Directors and Executive Officers and (e) Participation in Bonus and Profit-Sharing Arrangements and Other Benefits For information concerning compensation of directors and executive officers and participation in bonus and profit-sharing arrangements and other benefits, refer to the disclosures made in CenterPoint's 2003 Proxy Statement, pages 4 through 20, which is incorporated herein by reference to CenterPoint's 2003 Proxy Statement, File No. 001-31447 ("CenterPoint's 2003 Proxy Statement"). (b) Directors' and Executive Officers' Interests in Securities of System Companies For information concerning directors' and executive officers' interests in securities of system companies, refer to the disclosures made in CenterPoint's 2003 Proxy Statement, pages 6 through 7. (c) Directors' and Executive Officers' Contracts and Transactions with System Companies None. (d) Directors' and Executive Officers' Indebtedness to System Companies CenterPoint extended a loan to Mr. Rozzell in the amount of $250,000 in connection with his initial employment. The loan bears interest at a rate of 8% and principal and interest are to be forgiven in semi-monthly installments through February 28, 2006 so long as Mr. Rozzell remains employed by CenterPoint or one of its subsidiaries as of each relevant anniversary of his employment date. In addition, CenterPoint maintains an appliance loan program through which all employees are allowed to purchase certain appliances on an interest-free basis, subject to paying a five percent up-front administrative charge. Although some officers of CenterPoint and its subsidiaries have loans under this program, no senior or executive officer has a loan under this program. 14

(f) Directors' and Executive Officers' Rights to Indemnity The state laws under which each of CenterPoint and its domestic direct and indirect subsidiaries is incorporated provide broadly for indemnification of officers and directors against claims and liabilities against them in their capacities as such. Refer to the disclosures made in the Amended and Restated Bylaws of CenterPoint, adopted March 26, 2002 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.2 to CenterPoint Energy's Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001). ITEM 7. CONTRIBUTIONS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Expenditures, disbursements or payments during the year, in money, goods or services directly or indirectly to or for the account of: (1) Any political party, candidate for public office or holder of such office, or any committee or agent therefor. CenterPoint and its subsidiaries have established political action committees and, except for the political action committee established for contributions of employees in Minnesota, have incurred certain costs in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Election Campaign Act, for the administration of such committees. Contributions are made by employees in Minnesota in compliance with requirements under Minnesota law. (2) Any citizens group or public relations counsel. Attached as Exhibit F-2 is a listing of expenditures to citizens groups and public relations counsel. ITEM 8. SERVICE, SALES AND CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS Part I. See Exhibit F-3 and Exhibit F-4 hereto. Part II. During 2002 no system companies had a contract to purchase services or goods from any affiliate (other than a system company), or from a company in which any officer or director of the receiving company is a partner or owns 5% or more of any class of equity securities. Part III. No system company employs any other person for the performance on a continuing basis of management, supervisory or financial advisory services. 15

ITEM 9. WHOLESALE GENERATORS AND FOREIGN UTILITY COMPANIES Parts I and III. Rain Calcining Limited is the only foreign utility company in the CenterPoint system and CenterPoint's investment in such company it is in the process of being divested. There are no exempt wholesale generators in the CenterPoint system. Part II. See Exhibit F-1. ITEM 10. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND EXHIBITS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The consolidating financial statements for CenterPoint and its subsidiaries as of December 31, 2002 will be filed by amendment as Exhibit F-5. EXHIBITS EXHIBIT A ANNUAL REPORTS FILED UNDER THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 A-1 CenterPoint's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002 (File No. 1-31447) incorporated by reference herein. A-2 CenterPoint's 2003 Proxy Statement (File No. 001-31447) incorporated by reference herein. A-3 CenterPoint's Annual Report to Shareholders for the year ended December 31, 2002 (filed in connection herewith under cover of Form SE). EXHIBIT B CHARTERS, ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, TRUST AGREEMENTS, BY-LAWS AND OTHER FUNDAMENTAL DOCUMENTS OF ORGANIZATION The articles, bylaws and other fundamental documents of organization of CenterPoint are incorporated by reference to CenterPoint's 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002: 16

CenterPoint 10-K Exhibit No. Description - ---------------------------- ----------- 2 Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of October 19, 2001, by and among Reliant Energy, Incorporated, CenterPoint and Reliant Energy MergerCo, Inc. 3(a)(1) Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of CenterPoint 3(a)(2) Articles of Amendment to Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of CenterPoint 3(b) Amended and Restated Bylaws of CenterPoint Energy The organizational documents for CenterPoint's subsidiaries are incorporated by reference to CenterPoint's Joint Registration Statement on Form U5B (File No. 030-00360): CenterPoint U5B Exhibit No. Description - --------------------------- ----------- B-2 Organizational documents of Utility Holding, LLC B-3 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC B-4 Organizational Documents of Texas Genco Holdings, Inc. B-5 Organizational Documents of Texas Genco LP, LLC B-6 Organizational Documents of Texas Genco GP, LLC B-7 Organizational Documents of Texas Genco, LP B-8 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp. B-9 Organizational Documents of ALG Gas Supply Company B-10 Organizational Documents of Allied Materials Corporation 17

B-11 Organizational Documents of Arkansas Louisiana Finance Corporation B-12 Organizational Documents of Arkla Industries Inc. B-13 Organizational Documents of Arkla Products Company B-14 Organizational Documents of Blue Jay Gas Company B-15 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Alternative Fuels, Inc. B-16 Organizational Documents of Entex Gas Marketing Company B-16A Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Gas Receivables, LLC B-17 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Gas Resources Corp. B-18 Organizational Documents of Entex NGV, Inc. B-19 Organizational Documents of Entex Oil & Gas Company B-20 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy - Illinois Gas Transmission Company B-21 Organizational Documents of Industrial Gas Supply Corporation B-22 Organizational Documents of Intex, Inc. B-23 Organizational Documents of Louisiana Unit Gas Transmission Company B-24 Organizational Documents of Minnesota Intrastate Pipeline Company 18

B-25 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy - Mississippi River Transmission Corporation B-26 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy MRT Holdings, Inc. B-27 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy MRT Services Company B-28 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Gas Marketing Company B-29 Organizational Documents of National Furnace Company B-30 Organizational Documents of NorAm Financing I B-31 Organizational Documents of NorAm Utility Services, Inc. B-32 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Consumer Group, Inc. B-33 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Field Services, Inc. B-34 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Field Services Holdings, Inc. B-35 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Gas Processing, Inc. B-36 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Funds Management, Inc. B-37 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Gas Transmission Company 19

B-38 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Hub Services, Inc. B-39 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Intrastate Holdings, LLC B-40 Organizational Documents of Pine Pipeline Acquisition Company, LLC B-41 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Pipeline Services, Inc. B-42 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy OQ, LLC B-43 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Marketing, Inc. B-44 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Retail Interests, Inc. B-45 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Trading and Transportation Group, Inc. B-46 Organizational Documents of Unit Gas Transmission Company B-47 Organizational Documents of United Gas, Inc. B-48 Organizational Documents of HL&P Capital Trust I B-49 Organizational Documents of HL&P Capital Trust II B-50 Organizational Documents of HL&P Receivables, Inc. B-51 Organizational Documents of Houston Industries Energy (UK), Inc. B-52 Organizational Documents of Houston Industries FinanceCo GP, LLC 20

B-53 Organizational Documents of Houston Industries FinanceCo LP B-54 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Funding Company B-55 Organizational Documents of NorAm Energy Corp. B-56 Organizational Documents of REI Trust I B-57 Organizational Documents of REI Trust II B-58 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy FinanceCo II GP, LLC B-59 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy FinanceCo II LP B-60 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy FinanceCo III GP, LLC B-61 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy FinanceCo III LP B-62 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy FinanceCo IV GP, LLC B-63 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy FinanceCo IV LP B-64 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Investment Management, Inc. B-65 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Power Systems, Inc. B-66 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Products, Inc. B-67 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Properties, Inc. 21

B-68 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Tegco, Inc. B-69 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Management Services, Inc. B-70 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Thermal Systems (Delaware), Inc. B-71 Organizational Documents of Northwind Houston L.P. B-72 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy District Cooling, LLC B-73 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Transition Bond Company, LLC B-74 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Water, Inc. B-75 Organizational Documents of Utility Rail Services, Inc. B-76 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy International, Inc. B-77 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Brazil Ltd. B-78 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Brazil Tiete Ltd. B-79 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Brazil Ventures Ltd. B-80 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Holdings Ltd. B-81 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy International II, Inc. B-82 Organizational Documents of HIE Ford Heights, Inc. B-83 Organizational Documents of HIE Fulton, Inc. 22

B-84 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy India, Inc. B-85 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Rain, Inc. B-86 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy International Holdings, LLC B-87 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Salvador Holding Company Ltd. B-88 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy International Services, Inc. B-89 Organizational Documents of CenterPoint Energy Light, Inc. B-90 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Cayman Holdings Ltd. B-91 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Argentina S.A. B-92 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Argener S.A. B-93 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Argentine Holdings Ltd. B-94 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Opco S.A. B-95 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Cayman Investments Ltd. B-96 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Cayman Ltd. B-97 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Cayman Acquisitions Ltd. B-98 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Outsource Ltd. B-99 Organizational Documents of Venus Generation El Salvador 23

B-100 Organizational Documents of Reliant Energy Santiago Del Estero, S.A. EXHIBIT C INDENTURES AND CERTAIN OUTSTANDING CONTRACTS EXHIBIT C - PART (a) - INDENTURES Information with respect to the indentures and other fundamental documents defining the rights of holders of funded debt is incorporated herein by reference to CenterPoint's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002 and CenterPoint's Joint Registration Statement on Form U5B (File No. 030-00360). EXHIBIT C - PART (b) - OUTSTANDING AND UNCOMPLETED CONTRACTS OR AGREEMENTS RELATING TO THE ACQUISITION OF ANY SECURITIES, UTILITY ASSETS (AS DEFINED IN SECTION 2(a)(18) OF THE ACT), OR ANY OTHER INTEREST IN ANY BUSINESS. None. EXHIBIT D TAX ALLOCATION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO RULE 45(c) See Exhibit D attached hereto. EXHIBIT E COPIES OF OTHER DOCUMENTS PRESCRIBED BY RULE OR ORDER Exhibit E-1 2002 Operating Reports for the State of Oklahoma Submitted by CenterPoint Energy Arkla 2002 (filed under cover of Form SE in connection herewith) Exhibit E-2 Gas Utilities 2002 Distribution Annual Report to the Railroad Commission of Texas for CenterPoint Energy Arkla (filed under cover of Form SE in connection herewith) Exhibit E-3 2002 Annual Report to the Louisiana Public Service Commission for CenterPoint Energy Arkla (filed under cover of Form SE in connection herewith) Exhibit E-4 Gas Utilities 2002 Transmission Annual Report to the Railroad Commission of Texas for Industrial Gas Supply Company (filed under cover of Form SE in connection herewith) Exhibit E-5 Gas Utilities 2002 Transmission Annual Report to the Railroad Commission of Texas for Unit Gas Transmission Company (filed under cover of Form SE in connection herewith) Exhibit E-6 Annual Report to the Arkansas Public Service Commission by CenterPoint Energy Arkla (filed under cover of Form SE in connection herewith) 24

Additional reports to state commissions filed by CenterPoint during the year ended December 31, 2002 are incorporated by reference to CenterPoint's Joint Registration Statement on Form U5B (File No. 030-00360): CenterPoint U5B Exhibit No. Description - --------------------------- ----------- G-2 2001 Operating Reports for the State of Oklahoma Submitted by Reliant Energy Arkla G-3 Annual Report Pursuant to PURA Sec. 39.257 of Reliant Energy HL&P for the year ended December 31, 2001 - Revision No. 2 G-4 2001 Annual Report to the Arkansas Public Service Commission for Reliant Energy Arkla G-5 2001 Annual Report to the Louisiana Public Service Commission for Reliant Energy Arkla G-8 Gas Utilities 2001 Distribution Annual Report to the Railroad Commission of Texas for Reliant Energy Arkla G-9 2001 Annual Report to the Louisiana Public Service Commission for Reliant Energy - Entex G-10 2001 Annual Reports of the Mississippi Transmission Operations and Mississippi Distribution Operations for Reliant Energy - Entex G-11 Gas Utilities 2001 Distribution Annual Report to the Railroad Commission of Texas for Reliant Energy - Entex G-12 2001 Gas Company Jurisdictional Annual Report to the State of Minnesota Department of Commerce for Reliant Energy Minnegasco EXHIBIT F SCHEDULES SUPPORTING ITEMS OF THE REPORT F-1 Chart setting forth system companies and investments therein as of December 31, 2002. 25

F-2 List of expenditures to citizens groups and public relations counsel F-3 Information on service transactions between CenterPoint and subsidiaries (corporate services, support services and information technology services) for third quarter 2002. F-4 Information on service transactions between CenterPoint and subsidiaries (corporate costs, shared services and information technology services) for fourth quarter 2002. F-5 Consolidating financial statements for CenterPoint and its subsidiaries as of December 31, 2002 (to be filed by amendment). F-6 For consent of the independent accountants as to their opinion on CenterPoint's consolidated financial statements, see Independent Auditors' Consent of Deloitte & Touche LLP (previously filed as Exhibit 23 to CenterPoint's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002 and incorporated by reference herein). EXHIBIT G ORGANIZATION CHART: EWGs AND FOREIGN UTILITY COMPANIES See Exhibit F-1. EXHIBIT H EWG OR FOREIGN UTILITY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Not applicable. 26

SIGNATURE Each undersigned system company has duly caused this annual report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized pursuant to the requirements of the Public Utility Holding Company of 1935. The signature of each undersigned company shall be deemed to relate only to matters having reference to such company or its subsidiaries. CENTERPOINT ENERGY, INC By: /s/ RUFUS S. SCOTT ------------------------------------- Name: Rufus S. Scott Title: Vice President, Deputy General Counsel and Assistant Corporate Secretary Date May 1, 2003 --------------------- 27

EXHIBIT D TAX SHARING AGREEMENT This Agreement by and between each of CenterPoint Energy, Inc. ("CenterPoint"), Utility Holding LLC, and each of its subsidiaries listed on Exhibit A (collectively the "Parties"): WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, for federal income tax purposes, the Parties and others are members of a group of companies of which CenterPoint is the common parent (the "CenterPoint Group"); WHEREAS, CenterPoint files a consolidated federal income tax return on behalf of the CenterPoint Group and pays the federal income tax owed by the CenterPoint Group; WHEREAS, the parties desire to set forth their agreement regarding how the federal income tax liability and tax benefits of the CenterPoint Group will be allocated among and shared by the members of the CenterPoint Group. NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Definitions. a. "Act" means the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935. b. "CenterPoint Affiliated Group" means the group of corporations that are members of the affiliated group, as defined under Section 1504(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), with CenterPoint as the common parent. c. "CenterPoint Tax Benefit" means a benefit in Consolidated Tax that is attributable to the operations, activities or holdings of CenterPoint. d. "Consolidated Tax" has the meaning of consolidated tax set forth in Reg. Section 250.45(c)(1) to Rule 45 under the Act.

e. "Intercompany Tax Policy" refers to the Intercompany Tax Benefit Allocation and Income Tax Accounting Policies attached hereto and made a part of Exhibit B. f. "Member" means (i) any member of the CenterPoint Affiliated Group and (ii) any partnership, limited liability company or trust that would have been a member of the CenterPoint Affiliated Group if such entity were treated as a corporation under the Code unless such entity is wholly owned by an entity that is subject to tax under subchapter C of the Code that is not CenterPoint. g. "Separate Return Tax" has the meaning of separate return tax set forth in Reg. Section 250.45(c)(1) to Rule 45 under the Act. 2. General. The tax liability and tax benefits of the CenterPoint Group shall be shared in accordance with the Intercompany Tax Policy. For purposes of applying the Intercompany Tax Policy, CenterPoint is the successor to Houston Industries Incorporated, referred to as "HII" in the Intercompany Tax Policy. 3. Rule 45 Compliance. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement (including the Intercompany Tax Policy) to the contrary, a. the Consolidated Tax of the CenterPoint Group shall be allocated among the Members in proportion to the Separate Return Tax of each Member of the CenterPoint Group, provided that the tax apportioned to any Member shall not exceed the Separate Return Tax of such Member, and -2-

b. CenterPoint shall not retain, and shall not be reimbursed by any of the Members for, any CenterPoint Tax Benefit. Any CenterPoint Tax Benefit shall be allocated among the Members (other than CenterPoint) in proportion to the Separate Return Tax of each such Member. 4. Amendments. This Agreement (including the Intercompany Tax Policy) shall be amended only with the written consent of all parties to be charged with such amendment. 5. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same agreement. 6. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the Parties, their successors and assigns. Each Party to this Agreement shall ensure that any subsidiary of such Party which is also a Member shall agree to and be bound by the terms of this Agreement. 7. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. -3-

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement. CENTERPOINT ENERGY, INCORPORATED By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ UTILITY HOLDING LLC By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ TEXAS GENCO HOLDINGS, INC. By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ CENTERPOINT ENERGY HOUSTON ELECTRIC LLC By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ CENTERPOINT ENERGY RESOURCES CORPORATION By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ -4-

CENTERPOINT ENERGY INTERNATIONAL, INC. By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ HOUSTON INDUSTRIES FUNDING COMPANY By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ HL&P CAPITAL TRUST I By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ HL&P CAPITAL TRUST II By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ REI TRUST I By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ REI TRUST II By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ -5-

HL&P RECEIVABLES, INC. By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ RELIANT ENERGY INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT, INC. By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ RELIANT ENERGY POWER SYSTEMS, INC. By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ RELIANT ENERGY PROPERTIES, INC. By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ RELIANT ENERGY PRODUCTS, INC. By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ -6-

RELIANT ENERGY WATER, INC. By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ NORAM ENERGY CORP. By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ UTILITY RAIL SERVICES, INC. By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ UFI SERVICES, INC. By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ HOUSTON INDUSTRIES ENERGY (UK), INC. By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ -7-

RELIANT ENERGY THERMAL SYSTEMS, INC. By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ RELIANT ENERGY THERMAL SYSTEMS (DELAWARE), INC. By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ RELIANT ENERGY.COM. INC. By --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ -8-

EXHIBIT A Texas Genco Holdings, Inc. CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric LLC CenterPoint Energy Resources Corporation CenterPoint Energy International, Inc. Houston Industries Funding Company HL&P Capital Trust I HL&P Capital Trust II REI Trust I REI Trust II HL&P Receivables, Inc. Reliant Energy Investment Management, Inc. Reliant Energy Power Systems, Inc. Reliant Energy Properties, Inc. Reliant Energy Products, Inc. Reliant Energy Water, Inc. NorAm Energy Corp. Utility Rail Services, Inc. UFI Services, Inc. Houston Industries Energy (UK), Inc. Reliant Energy Thermal Systems, Inc. Reliant Energy Thermal Systems (Delaware), Inc. Reliant Energy.com. Inc. -9-

. . . EXHIBIT F-1

CENTERPOINT ENERGY, INC.(1) TEXAS SHARES SUBSIDIARIES/AFFILIATES: OWNERSHIP OWNED DOMICILE - ------------------------ --------- ------ -------- UTILITY HOLDING, LLC 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy Funding Company (f/k/a Houston Industries Funding Company) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC (formerly Reliant Energy, Incorporated) (3) 100% 1,000 Tex CenterPoint Energy Transition Bond Company, LLC (f/k/a Reliant Energy Transition Bond Company, LLC) 100% 1,000 Del Houston Industries FinanceCo GP, LLC 100% 1,000 Del Houston Industries FinanceCo LP (6) 99% Del Reliant Energy FinanceCo II GP, LLC 100% 1,000 Del Reliant Energy FinanceCo II LP (7) 99% Del Reliant Energy FinanceCo III GP, LLC 100% 1,000 Del Reliant Energy FinanceCo III LP (8) 99% Del Reliant Energy FinanceCo IV GP, LLC 100% 1,000 Del Reliant Energy FinanceCo IV LP (9) 99% Del CenterPoint Energy, Inc. (a Delaware corporation) (2,4) 100% -- Del CenterPoint Energy Investment Management, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Investment Management, Inc.) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy Management Services, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Thermal Systems, Inc.) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy District Cooling, LLC (f/k/a Northwind Houston L.L.C.) 100% Del CenterPoint Energy Thermal Systems (Delaware), Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Thermal Systems (Delaware), Inc.) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy District Cooling, L.P. (f/k/a Northwind Houston L.P.) (11) 99% Del CenterPoint Energy Power Systems, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Power Systems, Inc.) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy Products, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Products, Inc.) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy Properties, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Properties, Inc.) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy Tegco, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Tegco, Inc.) (2) 100% 1,000 Del HL&P Capital Trust I (5) 100% Del HL&P Capital Trust II (5) 100% Del HL&P Receivables, Inc. 100% 1,000 Del Houston Industries Energy (UK), Inc. (2) 100% Del NorAm Energy Corp. (2,10) 100% 1,000 Del REI Trust I (5) 100% Del Reliant Energy Water, Inc. 100% 1,000 Del Texas Genco Holdings, Inc. 100% 1,000 Tex Texas Genco GP, LLC 100% 1,000 Tex Texas Genco LP, LLC 100% 1,000 Del Texas Genco, LP (16) 99% Tex Utility Rail Services, Inc. 100% 1,000 Del UFI Services, Inc. 100% 1,000 Del CENTERPOINT ENERGY RESOURCES CORP. (f/k/a RELIANT ENERGY RESOURCES CORP.) 100% 1,000 Del Divisions: CenterPoint Energy Arkla (f/k/a Reliant Energy Arkla) CenterPoint Energy Entex (f/k/a Reliant Energy Entex) CenterPoint Energy Gas Operations (formerly Reliant Energy Entex Metro) CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco (f/k/a Reliant Energy Minnegasco) Subsidiaries/Affiliates: CENTERPOINT ENERGY, INC.(1) TEXAS (In Thousands) ISSUER OWNER'S BOOK BOOK SUBSIDIARIES/AFFILIATES: VALUE VALUE - ------------------------ ----------- --------- UTILITY HOLDING, LLC (7,747,409) 7,747,409 CenterPoint Energy Funding Company (f/k/a Houston Industries Funding Company) (80) 80 CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC (formerly Reliant Energy, Incorporated) (3) (3,207,553) 3,207,553 CenterPoint Energy Transition Bond Company, LLC (f/k/a Reliant Energy Transition Bond Company, LLC) (3,745) 3,745 Houston Industries FinanceCo GP, LLC -- -- Houston Industries FinanceCo LP (6) 0 (0) 1% owned by GP ; 99% owned by 374 Reliant Energy FinanceCo II GP, LLC (983) 983 Reliant Energy FinanceCo II LP (7) (8,327) 8,327 1% owned by GP II (83) ; 99 % owned Reliant Energy FinanceCo III GP, LLC -- -- by 374 (8,244) Reliant Energy FinanceCo III LP (8) -- -- 1% owned by GP III ; 99% owned by 374 Reliant Energy FinanceCo IV GP, LLC 0 (0) Reliant Energy FinanceCo IV LP (9) -- -- 1% owned by GP IV ; 99% owned by 374 CenterPoint Energy, Inc. (a Delaware corporation) (2,4) -- -- CenterPoint Energy Investment Management, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Investment Management, Inc.) (648,887) 648,887 CenterPoint Energy Management Services, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Thermal Systems, Inc.) 23,077 (23,077) CenterPoint Energy District Cooling, LLC (f/k/a Northwind Houston L.L.C.) (7) 7 CenterPoint Energy Thermal Systems (Delaware), Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Thermal Systems (Delaware), Inc.) (39,876) 39,876 CenterPoint Energy District Cooling, L.P. (f/k/a Northwind Houston L.P.) (11) (39,874) 39,874 1% owned by District Cooling (399); CenterPoint Energy Power Systems, Inc. 99% owned by Thermal (DE) (39,475) (f/k/a Reliant Energy Power Systems, Inc.) 5,522 (5,522) CenterPoint Energy Products, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Products, Inc.) (274) 274 CenterPoint Energy Properties, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Properties, Inc.) (178,309) 178,309 CenterPoint Energy Tegco, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Tegco, Inc.) (2) (92) 92 HL&P Capital Trust I (5) (7,732) 7,732 HL&P Capital Trust II (5) (3,199) 3,199 HL&P Receivables, Inc. -- -- Houston Industries Energy (UK), Inc. (2) -- -- NorAm Energy Corp. (2,10) (1) 1 REI Trust I (5) (11,675) 11,675 Reliant Energy Water, Inc. -- -- Texas Genco Holdings, Inc. (2,824,043) 2,824,043 Texas Genco GP, LLC (28,241) 28,241 Texas Genco LP, LLC (2,795,801) 2,795,801 Texas Genco, LP (16) (2,824,027) 2,824,027 1% owned by Genco GP (28,240) ; 99% owned by Genco LP (2,795,787) Utility Rail Services, Inc. (502) 502 UFI Services, Inc. -- -- CENTERPOINT ENERGY RESOURCES CORP. (f/k/a RELIANT ENERGY RESOURCES CORP.) (1,936,928) 1,936,928 Divisions: -- -- CenterPoint Energy Arkla (f/k/a Reliant Energy Arkla) (415,334) 415,334 CenterPoint Energy Entex (f/k/a Reliant Energy Entex) (560,368) 560,368 CenterPoint Energy Gas Operations (formerly Reliant Energy Entex Metro) -- -- CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco (f/k/a Reliant Energy Minnegasco) 670,490) 670,490 Subsidiaries/Affiliates: -- --

CENTERPOINT ENERGY, INC.(1) TEXAS SHARES SUBSIDIARIES/AFFILIATES: OWNERSHIP OWNED DOMICILE - ------------------------ --------- ------ -------- ALG Gas Supply Company 100% 1 Del Allied Materials Corporation 100% 1,000 Tex Arkansas Louisiana Finance Corporation 100% 50,000 Del Arkla Industries Inc. (2) 100% 30,000 Del Arkla Products Company (2) 100% 1,000 Del Blue Jay Gas Company (2) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy Alternative Fuels, Inc. (f/k/a Entex Fuels, Inc.) 100% 1,000 Tex CenterPoint Energy Consumer Group, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Consumer Group, Inc.) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy Field Services, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Field Services, Inc.) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy Field Services Holdings, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Field Services Holdings, Inc.) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy Gas Processing, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Gas Processing, Inc.) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy Gas Marketing Company (f/k/a MRT Energy Marketing Company) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy Gas Receivables, LLC 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy Gas Resources Corp. (f/k/a Entex Gas Resources Corp.) 100% 1,000 Tex CenterPoint Energy Gas Transmission Company (f/k/a Reliant Energy Gas Transmission Company) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy Hub Services, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Hub Services, Inc.)(2) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy - Illinois Gas Transmission Company (f/k/a Illinois Gas Transmission Company) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy Intrastate Holdings, LLC (f/k/a Reliant Energy Intrastate Holdings, LLC) 100% 1,000 Del Pine Pipeline Acquisition Company, LLC (19) 81.40% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy Marketing, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Retail, Inc.) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy Retail Interests, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Retail Interests, Inc.) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy - Mississippi River Transmission Corporation (f/k/a Mississippi River Transmission Corporation) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy MRT Holdings, Inc. (f/k/a MRT Holdings, Inc.) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy MRT Services Company (f/k/a MRT Services Company) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy Pipeline Services, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Pipeline Services, Inc.) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy OQ, LLC (f/k/a Reliant Energy OQ, LLC) 100% 1,000 Del OQ Partners, a general partnership (20) 50% Tex CenterPoint Energy Trading and Transportation Group, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Trading and 100% 1,000 Tex Transportation Group, Inc.) Entex Gas Marketing Company 100% 1,000 Tex Entex NGV, Inc. 100% 1,000 Del Entex Oil & Gas Company 100% 1,000 Tex Industrial Gas Supply Corporation 100% 1,000 Tex Intex, Inc. (2) 100% 1,000 Tex Louisiana Unit Gas Transmission Company 100% 1,000 Tex Minnesota Intrastate Pipeline Company 100% 1,000 Del National Furnace Company 100% 1,000 Tex NorAm Financing I (5) 100% Del NorAm Utility Services, Inc. 100% 1,000 Del Reliant Energy Funds Management, Inc. 100% 1,000 Del Unit Gas Transmission Company 100% 1,000 Tex United Gas, Inc. (2) 100% 1,000 Tex CENTERPOINT ENERGY INTERNATIONAL, INC. (f/k/a Reliant Energy International, Inc.) 100% 1,000 Del CenterPoint Energy International Holdings, LLC (f/k/a Reliant Energy International Holdings, LLC)(12) 100% 1,000 Del Reliant Energy El Salvador, S.A. de C.V. (12, 15) 99% Els CenterPoint Energy International II, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy International II, Inc.) 100% 1,000 Del HIE Ford Heights, Inc. 100% 1,000 Del CENTERPOINT ENERGY, INC.(1) TEXAS (In Thousands) ISSUER OWNER'S BOOK BOOK SUBSIDIARIES/AFFILIATES: VALUE VALUE - ------------------------ ----------- --------- ALG Gas Supply Company 39 (39) Allied Materials Corporation 2,044 (2,044) Arkansas Louisiana Finance Corporation (1,613) 1,613 Arkla Industries Inc. (2) 9,061 (9,061) Arkla Products Company (2) (1,454) 1,454 Blue Jay Gas Company (2) 612 (612) CenterPoint Energy Alternative Fuels, Inc. (f/k/a Entex Fuels, Inc.) 1,537 (1,537) CenterPoint Energy Consumer Group, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Consumer Group, Inc.) - - CenterPoint Energy Field Services, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Field Services, Inc.) (106,866) 106,866 CenterPoint Energy Field Services Holdings, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Field Services Holdings, Inc.) (163,933) 163,933 CenterPoint Energy Gas Processing, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Gas Processing, Inc.) (9,342) 9,342 CenterPoint Energy Gas Marketing Company (f/k/a MRT Energy Marketing Company) (16,584) 16,584 CenterPoint Energy Gas Receivables, LLC (12,000) 12,000 CenterPoint Energy Gas Resources Corp. (f/k/a Entex Gas Resources Corp.) (22,813) 22,813 CenterPoint Energy Gas Transmission Company (f/k/a Reliant Energy Gas Transmission Company) (753,360) 753,360 CenterPoint Energy Hub Services, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Hub Services, Inc.)(2) 175 (175) CenterPoint Energy - Illinois Gas Transmission Company (f/k/a Illinois Gas Transmission Company) 1,143 (1,143) CenterPoint Energy Intrastate Holdings, LLC (f/k/a Reliant Energy Intrastate Holdings, LLC) 557 (557) 81.4 % owned by CNP (1,068) ; 18.6% owned by 3rd party (244) Pine Pipeline Acquisition Company, LLC (19) (1,068) 1,068 CenterPoint Energy Marketing, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Retail, Inc.) 122,745 (122,745) CenterPoint Energy Retail Interests, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Retail Interests, Inc.) (133,340) 133,340 CenterPoint Energy - Mississippi River Transmission Corporation (f/k/a Mississippi River Transmission Corporation) (42,792) 42,792 CenterPoint Energy MRT Holdings, Inc. (f/k/a MRT Holdings, Inc.) (209,010) 209,010 CenterPoint Energy MRT Services Company (f/k/a MRT Services Company) (147,068) 147,068 CenterPoint Energy Pipeline Services, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Pipeline Services, Inc.) (11,468) 11,468 CenterPoint Energy OQ, LLC (f/k/a Reliant Energy OQ, LLC) (286) 286 OQ Partners, a general partnership (20) - - CenterPoint Energy Trading and Transportation Group, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Trading and Transportation Group, Inc.) - - Entex Gas Marketing Company (3,146) 3,146 Entex NGV, Inc. - - Entex Oil & Gas Company 2,999 (2,999) Industrial Gas Supply Corporation (2,596) 2,596 Intex, Inc. (2) - - Louisiana Unit Gas Transmission Company (385) 385 Minnesota Intrastate Pipeline Company - - National Furnace Company 540 (540) NorAm Financing I (5) - - NorAm Utility Services, Inc. - - Reliant Energy Funds Management, Inc. (1,197,709) 1,197,709 Unit Gas Transmission Company (9,893) 9,893 United Gas, Inc. (2) (1) 1 CENTERPOINT ENERGY INTERNATIONAL, INC. (f/k/a Reliant Energy International, Inc.) (48,480) 48,480 CenterPoint Energy International Holdings, LLC (f/k/a Reliant Energy International Holdings, LLC)(12) - - Reliant Energy El Salvador, S.A. de C.V. (12, 15) - - CenterPoint Energy International II, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy International II, Inc.) - - HIE Ford Heights, Inc. (1) 1

CENTERPOINT ENERGY, INC.(1) TEXAS (In Thousands) ISSUER OWNER'S SHARES BOOK BOOK SUBSIDIARIES/AFFILIATES: OWNERSHIP OWNED DOMICILE VALUE VALUE - ------------------------ --------- ------ -------- --------- --------- HIE Fulton, Inc. 100% 1,000 Del -- -- Reliant Energy India, Inc. 100% 2 Mau 819 (819) Reliant Energy Rain, Inc. 100% 2 Mau -- -- Rain Calcining Limited (17) 24.79% 32,100 Ind -- -- CenterPoint Energy International Services, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy International Services, Inc)(12) 100% 1,000 Del (976) 976 CenterPoint Energy Light, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy Light, Inc.) 100% 1,000 Del (10,540) 10,540 HI Energy Holdings I B.V. (12) 100% 400 Nth 7 (7) Reliant Energy Brasil, Ltda. (12) 100.00% 3,000 Brz (15) 15 Reliant Energy Brazil Ltd. (12) 100% Cay -- -- HIE Brasil Rio Sul Ltda. (12) 20% Brz -- -- Reliant Energy International Brasil Ltda. (12,13) 99.90% Brz -- -- Reliant Energy Brazil Tiete Ltd. (12) 100% Cay -- -- Reliant Energy Colombia Ltda. (12,14) 99% Col -- -- Reliant Energy Outsource Ltd. (12) 100% Cay -- -- Venus Generation El Salvador (18) 50% Cay -- -- Worldwide Electric Holdings B.V. (12) 100% Nth -- --
1 Incorporated on August 31, 2001. Originally incorporated under the name "Reliant Energy Regco, Inc." 2 Inactive. 3 Formerly Reliant Energy, Incorporated. Converted into a limited liability company effective as of 11:54 p.m. on Saturday, August 31, 2002. 4 Incorporated on February 2, 2001 to preserve the name "CenterPoint Energy" in Delaware. 5 These entities are statutory business trusts created under Delaware law and treated as subsidiaries of their parent company for financial reporting purposes. 6 The remaining 1% of this subsidiary is owned by Houston Industries FinanceCo GP, LLC. 7 The remaining 1% of this subsidiary is owned by Reliant Energy FinanceCo II GP, LLC. 8 The remaining 1% of this subsidiary is owned by Reliant Energy FinanceCo III GP, LLC. 9 The remaining 1% of this subsidiary is owned by Reliant Energy FinanceCo IV GP, LLC. 10 This company was incorporated on 2/3/99 to preserve the name "NorAm Energy Corp." in Delaware. 11 The remaining 1% of this subsidiary is owned by CenterPoint Energy District Cooling, LLC (f/k/a Northwind Houston, L.L.C.). 12 In the process of being dissolved. 13 The remaining 0.1% is owned by Reliant Energy Brazil Tiete Ltd. 14 The remaining 1% of this subsidiary is owned by CenterPoint Energy International Holdings, LLC (f/k/a Reliant Energy International Holdings, LLC). 15 The remaining 1% of this subsidiary is owned by CenterPoint Energy International, Inc. (f/k/a Reliant Energy International, Inc.) 16 The remaining 1% of this subsidiary is owned by Texas Genco GP, LLC. 17 This subsidiary is a foreign utility company; 15% of this subsidiary is owned by International Finance Corporation, 5% by Applied Industrial Materials Corporation, 25.48% by N. Jagan Mohan Reddy, individually and beneficially for numerous resident and non-resident Indians. 18 The remaining 50% of this subsidiary is owned by EDC Energy Ventures-Generation El Salvador. 19 The remaining 18.6% of this company is owned by LGS Natural Gas Company. 20 The remaining 50% of this partnership is owned by Overnite Software, Inc.

. . . EXHIBIT F-2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPANY BENEFICIARY AMOUNT PURPOSE ACCOUNT CHARGED - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CenterPoint Energy, Inc. Sitrick and Company, Inc. $ 61,982 Public relations Operating Expense consulting regarding financial restructuring - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 Chambers of Commerce (various $ 67,000 Economic development Operating Expense locations) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Texans for Lawsuit Reform 10,000 Economic development Operating Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INROADS/Houston 19,000 Economic development Operating Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Junior Achievement 11,500 Economic development Operating Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32 organizations 83,500 Economic development and Operating Expense Community relations - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Association of Electric 768,559 Legislative advocacy Operating Expense Companies of Texas - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greater Houston Partnership 50,000 Economic development Operating Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ National Minority Supplier 11,500 Supplier development Operating Expense Council - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Texas Taxpayers and Research 25,000 Legislative analysis Operating Expense Foundation - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Southeast Texas Damage 10,000 Economic development Operating Expense Prevention - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 organizations 24,175 Economic development Operating Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CenterPoint Energy Houston 54 organizations, various 71,223 Economic development Operating Expense Electric, LLC locations - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edison Electric Institute 549,517 Industry representation Operating Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Acres Homes Research Complex 50,000 Community development Operating Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Texas Genco, LP Houston Business Roundtable 11,000 Economic development Operating Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arkla Division American Gas Assn 100,000 Industry representation Operating Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 38 Chambers of Commerce 75,531 Economic development Operating Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shreveport Economic Development 35,000 Economic development Operating Expense Foundation - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19 Organizations 36,626 Economic development Operating Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Entex Division American Gas Assn 180,000 Industry representation Operating Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Southern Gas Assn 48,600 Industry representation Operating Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32 Chambers of commerce, 27,359 Economic development Operating Expense various locations - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Minnegasco Division American Gas Assn 116,000 Industry Representation Operating Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chambers of Commerce, various 60,000 Economic development Operating Expense locations - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dunwoody Institute 30,000 Economic development Operating Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greater Minneapolis Housing 15,000 Economic development Operating Expense Corp. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Minneapolis Foundation 10,000 Economic development Operating Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Minnesota Environmental 30,000 Industry development and Operating Expense Institute economic development - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Salvation Army Heat Share Fuel 72,000 Low income customer Operating Expense Fund protection - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19 organizations 103,635 Operating Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


TDU GENCO ------------------------------------------- CNP HOUSTON ELECTRIC, LLC TEXAS GENCO, LP ------------------------- --------------- Sum of Amount PaCC ------------------------------------------- ------------------------- --------------- Cost ctr Cost elem.|Cost element name 0003 0004 ------------------------------------------- ------------------------- --------------- 125001 642200 |REI Corp OH 205,739.55 126,144.39 PRESIDENT AND CEO 125001 TOTAL 205,739.55 126,144.39 125004 642200 |REI Corp OH 5,340.63 3,967.56 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 125004 TOTAL 5,340.63 3,967.56 125007 642200 |REI Corp OH 77,916.78 57,884.59 PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE 125007 TOTAL 77,916.78 57,884.59 125019 642200 |REI Corp OH 311,398.18 190,926.50 CORP COMMUNICATIONS 125019 TOTAL 311,398.18 190,926.50 125020 642200 |REI Corp OH 797,204.47 592,245.40 CORP LEGAL 125020 TOTAL 797,204.47 592,245.40 125021 642200 |REI Corp OH 85,448.17 63,479.67 SR EXEC LEGAL 125021 TOTAL 85,448.17 63,479.67 125042 642082 |REI Legislative Adv 369,205.76 226,369.86 STATE RELATIONS 125042 TOTAL 369,205.76 226,369.86 125050 642082 |REI Legislative Adv 126,085.83 77,306.59 LOCAL RELATIONS 125050 TOTAL 126,085.83 77,306.59 125066 643528 |Technical Support (67,519.01) FINANCE INFOR TECH & SUPP SERVICES 125066 TOTAL (67,519.01) 125070 642200 |REI Corp OH 78,361.30 58,214.82 FINANCIAL SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES 125070 TOTAL 78,361.30 58,214.82 125094 642200 |REI Corp OH 41,890.14 14,780.34 HR-AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN/DIVERSITY/POL 125094 TOTAL 41,890.14 14,780.34 125095 642200 |REI Corp OH 65,914.61 RISK CONTROL MANAGER 125095 TOTAL 65,914.61 125098 642200 |REI Corp OH 132,857.95 98,700.53 COMPTROLLER 125098 TOTAL 132,857.95 98,700.53 125099 642200 |REI Corp OH 48,913.49 36,337.97 BENCHMARKING 125099 TOTAL 48,913.49 36,337.97 125100 642200 |REI Corp OH 70,233.61 52,176.74 CHIEF ACCOUNTING OFFICER 125100 TOTAL 70,233.61 52,176.74 125101 642200 |REI Corp OH 320,261.87 237,923.42 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (8.78) FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 125101 TOTAL 320,253.09 237,923.42 125102 642200 |REI Corp OH 189,924.15 141,095.17 FEDERAL TAX 125102 TOTAL 189,924.15 141,095.17 125104 642200 |REI Corp OH 55,128.83 33,800.95 643004 |Billable Hours 643007 |Admin Labor 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (4.39) PLANT ACCT. ADMIN 125104 TOTAL 55,124.44 33,800.95 125105 643004 |Billable Hours 643007 |Admin Labor 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (0.88) PROPERTY ACCOUNTING- ELECTRIC 125105 TOTAL (0.88) 125107 643004 |Billable Hours 643007 |Admin Labor PROPERTY ACCOUNTING - ARKLA 125107 TOTAL 125109 642200 |REI Corp OH 56,656.99 42,090.62 STATE AND LOCAL TAXES 125109 TOTAL 56,656.99 42,090.62 125111 642200 |REI Corp OH 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (12.27) PROPERTY TAX 125111 TOTAL (12.27) 125112 643004 |Billable Hours REGULATORY REPORTING 125112 TOTAL 125115 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (2.51) REVENUE ACCOUNTING - ELECTRIC 125115 TOTAL (2.51) 125120 642200 |REI Corp OH SUPPORT SERVICES 125120 TOTAL 125121 642200 |REI Corp OH 109,231.13 81,148.10 COMMERCIAL CREDIT 125121 TOTAL 109,231.13 81,148.10 125162 642200 |REI Corp OH 643528 |Technical Support CLAIMS 125162 TOTAL CERC CERC CERC CERC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CNP RESOURCES CORP ("CERC") CNP GAS TRANSMISSION CO CNP FIELD SERVICES, INC CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA --------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------ 0016 0027 0036 0062 --------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------ 41,682.02 9,568.28 22,040.89 PRESIDENT AND CEO 41,682.02 9,568.28 22,040.89 1,116.10 256.95 1,818.78 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 1,116.10 256.95 1,818.78 16,283.38 3,748.81 26,534.88 PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE 16,283.38 3,748.81 26,534.88 63,088.02 14,482.12 33,360.10 CORP COMMUNICATIONS 63,088.02 14,482.12 33,360.10 166,603.09 38,355.98 271,491.25 CORP LEGAL 166,603.09 38,355.98 271,491.25 17,857.31 4,111.18 29,099.73 SR EXEC LEGAL 17,857.31 4,111.18 29,099.73 STATE RELATIONS LOCAL RELATIONS FINANCE INFOR TECH & SUPP SERVICES 16,376.27 3,770.21 26,686.26 FINANCIAL SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES 16,376.27 3,770.21 26,686.26 10,128.66 1,042.04 18,648.40 HR-AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN/DIVERSITY/POL 10,128.66 1,042.04 18,648.40 RISK CONTROL MANAGER 27,765.21 6,392.21 45,245.32 COMPTROLLER 27,765.21 6,392.21 45,245.32 10,222.15 2,353.38 16,657.70 BENCHMARKING 10,222.15 2,353.38 16,657.70 14,677.71 3,379.17 23,918.35 CHIEF ACCOUNTING OFFICER 14,677.71 3,379.17 23,918.35 66,929.65 15,408.79 109,066.49 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 66,929.65 15,408.79 109,066.49 39,691.13 9,137.83 64,679.44 FEDERAL TAX 39,691.13 9,137.83 64,679.44 11,168.88 2,563.86 5,905.95 1,323.76 3,694.22 PLANT ACCT. ADMIN 11,168.88 2,563.86 10,923.93 14,140.17 7,145.82 PROPERTY ACCOUNTING- ELECTRIC 21,285.99 551.18 2,401.57 PROPERTY ACCOUNTING - ARKLA 2,952.75 11,840.42 2,725.94 19,294.77 STATE AND LOCAL TAXES 11,840.42 2,725.94 19,294.77 84,794.13 49,799.72 PROPERTY TAX 84,794.13 49,799.72 24,013.00 REGULATORY REPORTING 24,013.00 REVENUE ACCOUNTING - ELECTRIC SUPPORT SERVICES 22,827.57 5,255.44 37,199.10 COMMERCIAL CREDIT 22,827.57 5,255.44 37,199.10 (33,997.53) (6,799.51) (122,391.08) CLAIMS (33,997.53) (6,799.51) (122,391.08) CERC CERC CERC CERC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CNP MARKETING, INC INDUSTRIAL GAS SUPPLY LA UNIT GAS TRANSMISSION UNIT GAS TRANSMISSION CO ------------------ --------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ 0077 0079 0080 0081 ------------------ --------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ 1,953.17 605.20 853.91 742.02 PRESIDENT AND CEO 1,953.17 605.20 853.91 742.02 42.62 12.18 12.18 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 42.62 12.18 12.18 621.84 177.67 177.67 PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE 621.84 177.67 177.67 2,956.24 916.00 1,292.44 1,123.09 CORP COMMUNICATIONS 2,956.24 916.00 1,292.44 1,123.09 6,362.37 1,817.82 1,817.82 CORP LEGAL 6,362.37 1,817.82 1,817.82 681.94 194.85 194.85 SR EXEC LEGAL 681.94 194.85 194.85 STATE RELATIONS LOCAL RELATIONS FINANCE INFOR TECH & SUPP SERVICES 625.38 178.68 178.68 FINANCIAL SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES 625.38 178.68 178.68 333.45 HR-AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN/DIVERSITY/POL 333.45 18,369.50 4,846.73 1,089.23 20,641.18 RISK CONTROL MANAGER 18,369.50 4,846.73 1,089.23 20,641.18 1,060.32 302.95 302.95 COMPTROLLER 1,060.32 302.95 302.95 390.37 111.53 111.53 BENCHMARKING 390.37 111.53 111.53 560.53 160.15 160.15 CHIEF ACCOUNTING OFFICER 560.53 160.15 160.15 2,555.95 730.28 730.28 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 2,555.95 730.28 730.28 1,515.75 433.08 433.08 FEDERAL TAX 1,515.75 433.08 433.08 523.35 162.16 228.81 198.83 PLANT ACCT. ADMIN 523.35 162.16 228.81 198.83 PROPERTY ACCOUNTING- ELECTRIC PROPERTY ACCOUNTING - ARKLA 452.18 129.19 129.19 STATE AND LOCAL TAXES 452.18 129.19 129.19 PROPERTY TAX REGULATORY REPORTING REVENUE ACCOUNTING - ELECTRIC 263.03 69.40 15.59 295.56 SUPPORT SERVICES 263.03 69.40 15.59 295.56 871.76 249.08 249.08 COMMERCIAL CREDIT 871.76 249.08 249.08 CLAIMS
1 of 10 Corp Services


TDU GENCO ------------------------------------------ CNP HOUSTON ELECTRIC, LLC TEXAS GENCO, LP ------------------------- --------------- Sum of Amount PaCC ------------------------------------------- ------------------------- --------------- Cost ctr Cost elem.|Cost element name 0003 0004 ------------------------------------------- ------------------------- --------------- 125166 642200 |REI Corp OH 332,096.61 167,113.04 HR - COMPENSATION 125166 TOTAL 332,096.61 167,113.04 125175 642078 |Labor Allocation 642200 |REI Corp OH 319,378.02 112,688.00 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (43.61) HR - WORKFORCE PLANNING & PROCESS IMPOVE 125175 TOTAL 319,334.41 112,688.00 125180 642200 |REI Corp OH 55,078.46 19,433.66 HR - FINANCE, ACCOUNTING 125180 TOTAL 55,078.46 19,433.66 125181 642200 |REI Corp OH 118,896.01 41,950.78 643503 |Training 3,375.00 3,550.00 HR - LEARNING & ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPME 125181 TOTAL 122,271.01 45,500.78 125190 642200 |REI Corp OH 35,369.07 17,797.94 HR-COMMUNICATIONS 125190 TOTAL 35,369.07 17,797.94 125191 643523 |Transportation Exp HR - ARKLA, ENTEX, SUPPORT & GAS OPERATS 125191 TOTAL 125197 642057 |Ofc Supp Svcs-Fixed 642059 |Facility O&M 642088 |Convenience Copiers 642097 |Mail Services 642098 |Records Management 643524 |Document Services SHARED SERVICES 125197 TOTAL 125200 642200 |REI Corp OH 26,856.81 21,762.04 TREASURER 125200 TOTAL 26,856.81 21,762.04 125202 642200 |REI Corp OH 22,207.41 17,994.62 CASH MANAGEMENT 125202 TOTAL 22,207.41 17,994.62 125203 642200 |REI Corp OH 51,719.51 31,710.61 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (0.88) CORPORATE RISK MANAGEMENT/INSURANCE 125203 TOTAL 51,718.63 31,710.61 125205 642200 |REI Corp OH 356,492.86 218,575.24 INVESTOR SERVICES 125205 TOTAL 356,492.86 218,575.24 125206 642200 |REI Corp OH 86,177.21 52,837.53 COMMUNICATIONS 125206 TOTAL 86,177.21 52,837.53 125207 642200 |REI Corp OH 290,448.32 178,081.58 643001 |Labor-ST-IntActAlloc ADVERTISING & BRAND EQUITY 125207 TOTAL 290,448.32 178,081.58 125209 642200 |REI Corp OH 497,401.94 369,521.27 STRATEGIC PLANNING 125209 TOTAL 497,401.94 369,521.27 125210 642200 |REI Corp OH 32,669.39 26,471.96 FINANCE/CASH MANAGEMENT 125210 TOTAL 32,669.39 26,471.96 125211 642200 |REI Corp OH 55,767.76 34,192.69 INVESTOR RELATIONS 125211 TOTAL 55,767.76 34,192.69 125221 642200 |REI Corp OH 143,865.23 88,207.59 EVP - REGULATORY 125221 TOTAL 143,865.23 88,207.59 125222 642200 |REI Corp OH 747,778.85 458,483.08 VP - REGULATORY POLICY 125222 TOTAL 747,778.85 458,483.08 125225 621023 |Shops (80.49) 642200 |REI Corp OH 75,006.08 45,988.22 BRANDING/PROMOTIONS 125225 TOTAL 74,925.59 45,988.22 125226 642200 |REI Corp OH 67,662.73 41,485.83 REGULATORY RELATIONS AUSTIN 125226 TOTAL 67,662.73 41,485.83 125307 642200 |REI Corp OH 90,480.85 45,530.51 SR VP HUMAN RESOURCES 125307 TOTAL 90,480.85 45,530.51 125309 642200 |REI Corp OH 7,995.67 4,902.36 HR-ALLOCATED EXECUTIVE BENEFITS 125309 TOTAL 7,995.67 4,902.36 125400 642200 |REI Corp OH 62,756.72 165,857.01 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (10.92) AUDIT SERVICES 125400 TOTAL 62,745.80 165,857.01 125402 642200 |REI Corp OH 44,200.93 35,815.95 CHIEF RISK OFFICER 125402 TOTAL 44,200.93 35,815.95 GRAND TOTAL 6,537,796.53 4,400,459.34 CERC CERC CERC CERC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CNP RESOURCES CORP CNP GAS TRANSMISSION CO CNP FIELD SERVICES, INC CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------ ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------ 0016 0027 0036 0062 ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------ 50,194.76 12,168.43 131,520.40 HR - COMPENSATION 50,194.76 12,168.43 131,520.40 (318.41) 77,222.75 7,944.73 142,178.83 HR - WORKFORCE PLANNING & PROCESS IMPOVE (318.41) 77,222.75 7,944.73 142,178.83 13,317.47 1,370.11 24,519.51 HR - FINANCE, ACCOUNTING 13,317.47 1,370.11 24,519.51 28,747.99 2,957.61 52,929.43 HR - LEARNING & ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPME 28,747.99 2,957.61 52,929.43 5,345.86 1,295.97 14,007.23 HR-COMMUNICATIONS 5,345.86 1,295.97 14,007.23 HR - ARKLA, ENTEX, SUPPORT & GAS OPERATS (181.56) (22,175.70) (136.59) (443.95) (4,485.78) (6,378.00) SHARED SERVICES (33,801.58) 5,509.65 1,692.72 17,411.29 TREASURER 5,509.65 1,692.72 17,411.29 4,555.83 1,399.68 14,397.08 CASH MANAGEMENT 4,555.83 1,399.68 14,397.08 10,478.17 2,405.31 5,540.72 CORPORATE RISK MANAGEMENT/INSURANCE 10,478.17 2,405.31 5,540.72 72,224.03 16,579.33 38,191.09 INVESTOR SERVICES 72,224.03 16,579.33 38,191.09 17,459.15 4,007.81 9,232.17 COMMUNICATIONS 17,459.15 4,007.81 9,232.17 58,843.66 13,507.81 31,115.74 ADVERTISING & BRAND EQUITY 58,843.66 13,507.81 31,115.74 103,949.13 23,931.55 169,392.27 STRATEGIC PLANNING 103,949.13 23,931.55 169,392.27 6,702.11 2,059.08 21,179.58 FINANCE/CASH MANAGEMENT 6,702.11 2,059.08 21,179.58 11,298.33 2,593.58 5,974.40 INVESTOR RELATIONS 11,298.33 2,593.58 5,974.40 29,146.52 6,690.70 15,412.29 EVP - REGULATORY 29,146.52 6,690.70 15,412.29 VP - REGULATORY POLICY 15,195.93 3,488.29 8,035.41 BRANDING/PROMOTIONS 15,195.93 3,488.29 8,035.41 REGULATORY RELATIONS AUSTIN 13,675.74 3,315.33 35,833.18 SR VP HUMAN RESOURCES 13,675.74 3,315.33 35,833.18 1,619.89 371.86 856.58 HR-ALLOCATED EXECUTIVE BENEFITS 1,619.89 371.86 856.58 22,413.12 AUDIT SERVICES 22,413.12 9,067.79 2,785.88 28,655.49 CHIEF RISK OFFICER 9,067.79 2,785.88 28,655.49 (318.41) 1,123,608.93 226,318.46 1,487,320.00 CERC CERC CERC CERC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CNP MARKETING, INC INDUSTRIAL GAS SUPPLY LA UNIT GAS TRANSMISSION UNIT GAS TRANSMISSION CO ------------------ --------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------ --------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ 0077 0079 0080 0081 ------------------ --------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ 4,056.15 HR - COMPENSATION 4,056.15 2,542.31 HR - WORKFORCE PLANNING & PROCESS IMPOVE 2,542.31 438.44 HR - FINANCE, ACCOUNTING 438.44 946.44 HR - LEARNING & ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPME 946.44 431.99 HR-COMMUNICATIONS 431.99 HR - ARKLA, ENTEX, SUPPORT & GAS OPERATS SHARED SERVICES 6,064.79 1,600.17 359.61 6,814.78 TREASURER 6,064.79 1,600.17 359.61 6,814.78 5,014.85 1,323.15 297.36 5,635.02 CASH MANAGEMENT 5,014.85 1,323.15 297.36 5,635.02 491.00 152.14 214.66 186.53 CORPORATE RISK MANAGEMENT/INSURANCE 491.00 152.14 214.66 186.53 3,384.34 1,048.65 1,479.60 1,285.72 INVESTOR SERVICES 3,384.34 1,048.65 1,479.60 1,285.72 818.12 253.49 357.67 310.81 COMMUNICATIONS 818.12 253.49 357.67 310.81 2,757.34 854.37 1,205.48 1,047.53 ADVERTISING & BRAND EQUITY 2,757.34 854.37 1,205.48 1,047.53 3,969.69 1,134.21 1,134.21 STRATEGIC PLANNING 3,969.69 1,134.21 1,134.21 7,377.38 1,946.49 437.45 8,289.70 FINANCE/CASH MANAGEMENT 7,377.38 1,946.49 437.45 8,289.70 529.43 164.04 231.45 201.13 INVESTOR RELATIONS 529.43 164.04 231.45 201.13 1,365.77 423.19 597.10 518.87 EVP - REGULATORY 1,365.77 423.19 597.10 518.87 VP - REGULATORY POLICY 712.07 220.64 311.31 270.51 BRANDING/PROMOTIONS 712.07 220.64 311.31 270.51 REGULATORY RELATIONS AUSTIN 1,105.11 SR VP HUMAN RESOURCES 1,105.11 75.91 23.52 33.19 28.83 HR-ALLOCATED EXECUTIVE BENEFITS 75.91 23.52 33.19 28.83 AUDIT SERVICES 9,981.42 2,633.56 591.86 11,215.78 CHIEF RISK OFFICER 9,981.42 2,633.56 591.86 11,215.78 92,202.30 22,874.57 9,596.72 64,437.56
2 of 10 Corp Services

CENTERPOINT ENERGY, INC. CORPORATE SERVICES CHARGED TO SBUS: Third Quarter 2002 NOTES Sr Exec = Senior Executive Infor Tech & Supp Services = Information Technology & Support Services Corp = Corporate CEO = Chief Executive Officer HR = Human Resources Acct. = Accounting VP = Vice President SR VP = Senior Vice President REI Corp OH refers to the allocation of corporate overhead to the business units. REI Legislative Adv refers to the allocation of regulatory related charges to the business units. Amounts in parentheses represent credits sent to business units. 3 of 10 Corp Services


CERC CERC ------------ --------------- CENTERPOINT CNP GAS ENERGY ENTEX RESOURCES CORP. ------------ --------------- Sum of Amount ---------------------------------------- Cost ctr Cost elem.|Cost element name 0082 0084 ---------------------------------------- ------------ --------------- 125001 642200 |REI Corp OH 37,599.33 4,829.44 PRESIDENT AND CEO 125001 TOTAL 37,599.33 4,829.44 125004 642200 |REI Corp OH 1,907.67 18.26 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 125004 TOTAL 1,907.67 18.26 125007 642200 |REI Corp OH 27,831.87 266.50 PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE 125007 TOTAL 27,831.87 266.50 125019 642200 |REI Corp OH 56,908.68 7,309.63 CORP COMMUNICATIONS 125019 TOTAL 56,908.68 7,309.63 125020 642200 |REI Corp OH 284,761.32 2,726.73 CORP LEGAL 125020 TOTAL 284,761.32 2,726.73 125021 642200 |REI Corp OH 30,522.07 292.26 SR EXEC LEGAL 125021 TOTAL 30,522.07 292.26 125042 642082 |REI Legislative Adv 67,473.14 STATE RELATIONS 125042 TOTAL 67,473.14 125050 642082 |REI Legislative Adv 23,042.45 LOCAL RELATIONS 125050 TOTAL 23,042.45 125066 643528 |Technical Support FINANCE INFOR TECH & SUPP SERVICES 125066 TOTAL 125070 642200 |REI Corp OH 27,990.65 268.02 FINANCIAL SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES 125070 TOTAL 27,990.65 268.02 125094 642200 |REI Corp OH 25,475.87 HR-AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN/DIVERSITY/POL 125094 TOTAL 25,475.87 125095 642200 |REI Corp OH 67,588.80 RISK CONTROL MANAGER 125095 TOTAL 67,588.80 125098 642200 |REI Corp OH 47,456.84 454.42 COMPTROLLER 125098 TOTAL 47,456.84 454.42 125099 642200 |REI Corp OH 17,471.89 167.30 BENCHMARKING 125099 TOTAL 17,471.89 167.30 125100 642200 |REI Corp OH 25,087.44 240.22 CHIEF ACCOUNTING OFFICER 125100 TOTAL 25,087.44 240.22 125101 642200 |REI Corp OH 114,397.49 1,095.41 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 125101 TOTAL 114,397.49 1,095.41 125102 642200 |REI Corp OH 67,840.87 649.60 FEDERAL TAX 125102 TOTAL 67,840.87 649.60 125104 642200 |REI Corp OH 10,074.90 1,294.07 643004 |Billable Hours 643007 |Admin Labor 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles PLANT ACCT. ADMIN 125104 TOTAL 10,074.90 1,294.07 125105 643004 |Billable Hours 643007 |Admin Labor 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles PROPERTY ACCOUNTING- ELECTRIC 125105 TOTAL 125107 643004 |Billable Hours 643007 |Admin Labor PROPERTY ACCOUNTING - ARKLA 125107 TOTAL 125109 642200 |REI Corp OH 20,237.86 193.79 STATE AND LOCAL TAXES 125109 TOTAL 20,237.86 193.79 125111 642200 |REI Corp OH 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles PROPERTY TAX 125111 TOTAL 125112 643004 |Billable Hours REGULATORY REPORTING 125112 TOTAL 125115 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles REVENUE ACCOUNTING - ELECTRIC 125115 TOTAL 125120 642200 |REI Corp OH 967.81 SUPPORT SERVICES 125120 TOTAL 967.81 125121 642200 |REI Corp OH 39,017.35 373.62 COMMERCIAL CREDIT 125121 TOTAL 39,017.35 373.62 125162 642200 |REI Corp OH (176,787.12) 643528 |Technical Support (51.11) CLAIMS 125162 TOTAL (176,838.23) CERC CERC CERC CERC ------------ ------------ ------------- -------------- LA TRANS CNP GAS CNP POWER CNP RETAIL DIV OF ENTEX MARKETING CO SYSTEMS, INC. INTERESTS, INC ------------ ------------ ------------- -------------- 0085 0099 0220 0271 ------------ ------------ ------------- -------------- 4,859.10 1,463.71 129.22 175.49 PRESIDENT AND CEO 4,859.10 1,463.71 129.22 175.49 6.08 12.18 28.62 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 6.08 12.18 28.62 88.83 177.67 417.52 PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE 88.83 177.67 417.52 7,354.50 2,215.40 195.57 265.61 CORP COMMUNICATIONS 7,354.50 2,215.40 195.57 265.61 908.91 1,817.82 4,271.88 CORP LEGAL 908.91 1,817.82 4,271.88 97.42 194.85 457.88 SR EXEC LEGAL 97.42 194.85 457.88 STATE RELATIONS LOCAL RELATIONS FINANCE INFOR TECH & SUPP SERVICES 89.34 178.68 419.91 FINANCIAL SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES 89.34 178.68 419.91 75.03 HR-AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN/DIVERSITY/POL 75.03 2,691.23 18,896.35 RISK CONTROL MANAGER 2,691.23 18,896.35 151.47 302.95 711.92 COMPTROLLER 151.47 302.95 711.92 55.77 111.53 262.11 BENCHMARKING 55.77 111.53 262.11 80.07 160.15 376.35 CHIEF ACCOUNTING OFFICER 80.07 160.15 376.35 365.14 730.28 1,716.14 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 365.14 730.28 1,716.14 216.53 433.08 1,017.72 FEDERAL TAX 216.53 433.08 1,017.72 1,302.01 392.21 34.62 47.01 PLANT ACCT. ADMIN 1,302.01 392.21 34.62 47.01 PROPERTY ACCOUNTING- ELECTRIC PROPERTY ACCOUNTING - ARKLA 64.60 129.19 303.61 STATE AND LOCAL TAXES 64.60 129.19 303.61 PROPERTY TAX REGULATORY REPORTING REVENUE ACCOUNTING - ELECTRIC 38.54 270.58 SUPPORT SERVICES 38.54 270.58 124.54 249.08 585.32 COMMERCIAL CREDIT 124.54 249.08 585.32 CLAIMS CERC -------------- MINNEGASCO TDU, GENCO & (SS - INTERIM) CERC ONLY -------------- ------------ 9072 GRAND TOTAL -------------- ------------ 24,382.16 482,767.88 PRESIDENT AND CEO 24,382.16 482,767.88 1,203.80 15,743.61 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 1,203.80 15,743.61 17,562.58 229,690.59 PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE 17,562.58 229,690.59 36,903.79 730,695.87 CORP COMMUNICATIONS 36,903.79 730,695.87 179,691.39 2,350,076.25 CORP LEGAL 179,691.39 2,350,076.25 19,260.18 251,892.36 SR EXEC LEGAL 19,260.18 251,892.36 663,048.76 STATE RELATIONS 663,048.76 226,434.87 LOCAL RELATIONS 226,434.87 (67,519.01) FINANCE INFOR TECH & SUPP SERVICES (67,519.01) 17,662.77 231,000.97 FINANCIAL SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES 17,662.77 231,000.97 11,870.97 124,244.90 HR-AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN/DIVERSITY/POL 11,870.97 124,244.90 200,037.63 RISK CONTROL MANAGER 200,037.63 29,946.43 391,651.47 COMPTROLLER 29,946.43 391,651.47 11,025.20 144,191.92 BENCHMARKING 11,025.20 144,191.92 15,830.80 207,041.44 CHIEF ACCOUNTING OFFICER 15,830.80 207,041.44 72,187.65 944,098.84 (8.78) FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 72,187.65 944,090.06 42,809.28 559,876.71 FEDERAL TAX 42,809.28 559,876.71 6,533.34 129,359.78 1,323.76 3,694.22 (4.39) PLANT ACCT. ADMIN 6,533.34 134,373.37 14,140.17 7,145.82 (0.88) PROPERTY ACCOUNTING- ELECTRIC 21,285.11 551.18 2,401.57 PROPERTY ACCOUNTING - ARKLA 2,952.75 12,770.61 167,018.96 STATE AND LOCAL TAXES 12,770.61 167,018.96 134,593.85 (12.27) PROPERTY TAX 134,581.58 24,013.00 REGULATORY REPORTING 24,013.00 (2.51) REVENUE ACCOUNTING - ELECTRIC (2.51) 1,920.51 SUPPORT SERVICES 1,920.51 24,620.89 322,002.06 COMMERCIAL CREDIT 24,620.89 322,002.06 (339,975.24) (51.11) CLAIMS (340,026.35)
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CERC CERC ------------ --------------- CENTERPOINT CNP GAS ENERGY ENTEX RESOURCES CORP. ------------ --------------- Sum of Amount ---------------------------------------- Cost ctr Cost elem.|Cost element name 0082 0084 ---------------------------------------- ------------ --------------- 125166 642200 |REI Corp OH 213,353.07 HR - COMPENSATION 125166 TOTAL 213,353.07 125175 642078 |Labor Allocation 642200 |REI Corp OH 194,232.69 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles HR - WORKFORCE PLANNING & PROCESS IMPOVE 125175 TOTAL 194,232.69 125180 642200 |REI Corp OH 33,496.47 HR - FINANCE, ACCOUNTING 125180 TOTAL 33,496.47 125181 642200 |REI Corp OH 72,307.70 643503 |Training 700.00 HR - LEARNING & ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPME 125181 TOTAL 73,007.70 125190 642200 |REI Corp OH 22,722.60 HR-COMMUNICATIONS 125190 TOTAL 22,722.60 125191 643523 |Transportation Exp (289.72) HR - ARKLA, ENTEX, SUPPORT & GAS OPERATS 125191 TOTAL (289.72) 125197 642057 |Ofc Supp Svcs-Fixed 642059 |Facility O&M 642088 |Convenience Copiers 642097 |Mail Services 642098 |Records Management 643524 |Document Services SHARED SERVICES 125197 TOTAL 125200 642200 |REI Corp OH 31,060.96 22,314.77 TREASURER 125200 TOTAL 31,060.96 22,314.77 125202 642200 |REI Corp OH 25,683.73 18,451.69 CASH MANAGEMENT 125202 TOTAL 25,683.73 18,451.69 125203 642200 |REI Corp OH 9,451.85 1,214.04 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles CORPORATE RISK MANAGEMENT/INSURANCE 125203 TOTAL 9,451.85 1,214.04 125205 642200 |REI Corp OH 65,149.83 8,368.16 INVESTOR SERVICES 125205 TOTAL 65,149.83 8,368.16 125206 642200 |REI Corp OH 15,749.06 2,022.89 COMMUNICATIONS 125206 TOTAL 15,749.06 2,022.89 125207 642200 |REI Corp OH 53,080.04 6,817.86 643001 |Labor-ST-IntActAlloc (59.44) ADVERTISING & BRAND EQUITY 125207 TOTAL 53,020.60 6,817.86 125209 642200 |REI Corp OH 177,671.91 1,701.30 STRATEGIC PLANNING 125209 TOTAL 177,671.91 1,701.30 125210 642200 |REI Corp OH 37,783.44 27,144.33 FINANCE/CASH MANAGEMENT 125210 TOTAL 37,783.44 27,144.33 125211 642200 |REI Corp OH 10,191.67 1,309.08 INVESTOR RELATIONS 125211 TOTAL 10,191.67 1,309.08 125221 642200 |REI Corp OH 26,291.67 3,377.03 EVP - REGULATORY 125221 TOTAL 26,291.67 3,377.03 125222 642200 |REI Corp OH VP - REGULATORY POLICY 125222 TOTAL 125225 621023 |Shops 642200 |REI Corp OH 13,707.52 1,760.66 BRANDING/PROMOTIONS 125225 TOTAL 13,707.52 1,760.66 125226 642200 |REI Corp OH REGULATORY RELATIONS AUSTIN 125226 TOTAL 125307 642200 |REI Corp OH 58,128.77 SR VP HUMAN RESOURCES 125307 TOTAL 58,128.77 125309 642200 |REI Corp OH 1,461.23 187.68 HR-ALLOCATED EXECUTIVE BENEFITS 125309 TOTAL 1,461.23 187.68 125400 642200 |REI Corp OH 179,304.89 17,930.50 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles AUDIT SERVICES 125400 TOTAL 179,304.89 17,930.50 125402 642200 |REI Corp OH 51,120.12 36,725.64 CHIEF RISK OFFICER 125402 TOTAL 51,120.12 36,725.64 GRAND TOTAL 2,040,559.52 238,061.51 CERC CERC CERC CERC ------------ ------------ ------------- -------------- LA TRANS CNP GAS CNP POWER CNP RETAIL DIV OF ENTEX MARKETING CO SYSTEMS, INC. INTERESTS, INC ------------ ------------ ------------- -------------- 0085 0099 0220 0271 ------------ ------------ ------------- -------------- 912.63 HR - COMPENSATION 912.63 572.02 HR - WORKFORCE PLANNING & PROCESS IMPOVE 572.02 98.65 HR - FINANCE, ACCOUNTING 98.65 212.95 HR - LEARNING & ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPME 212.95 97.20 HR-COMMUNICATIONS 97.20 HR - ARKLA, ENTEX, SUPPORT & GAS OPERATS SHARED SERVICES 888.52 6,238.72 174.25 TREASURER 888.52 6,238.72 174.25 734.71 5,158.68 144.09 CASH MANAGEMENT 734.71 5,158.68 144.09 1,221.50 367.95 32.47 44.11 CORPORATE RISK MANAGEMENT/INSURANCE 1,221.50 367.95 32.47 44.11 8,419.54 2,536.22 223.91 304.07 INVESTOR SERVICES 8,419.54 2,536.22 223.91 304.07 2,035.31 613.10 54.13 73.51 COMMUNICATIONS 2,035.31 613.10 54.13 73.51 6,859.71 2,066.35 182.43 247.74 ADVERTISING & BRAND EQUITY 6,859.71 2,066.35 182.43 247.74 567.09 1,134.21 2,665.36 STRATEGIC PLANNING 567.09 1,134.21 2,665.36 1,080.82 7,588.97 211.97 FINANCE/CASH MANAGEMENT 1,080.82 7,588.97 211.97 1,317.11 396.75 35.03 47.57 INVESTOR RELATIONS 1,317.11 396.75 35.03 47.57 3,397.76 1,023.51 90.36 122.71 EVP - REGULATORY 3,397.76 1,023.51 90.36 122.71 VP - REGULATORY POLICY 1,771.46 533.62 47.11 63.97 BRANDING/PROMOTIONS 1,771.46 533.62 47.11 63.97 REGULATORY RELATIONS AUSTIN 248.65 SR VP HUMAN RESOURCES 248.65 188.84 56.88 5.03 6.82 HR-ALLOCATED EXECUTIVE BENEFITS 188.84 56.88 5.03 6.82 AUDIT SERVICES 1,462.34 10,267.69 286.78 CHIEF RISK OFFICER 1,462.34 10,267.69 286.78 48,438.79 67,935.49 15,081.31 1,398.61 CERC -------------- MINNEGASCO TDU, GENCO & (SS - INTERIM) CERC ONLY -------------- ------------ 9072 GRAND TOTAL -------------- ------------ 144,398.66 1,055,813.75 HR - COMPENSATION 144,398.66 1,055,813.75 (318.41) 90,506.33 947,265.68 (43.61) HR - WORKFORCE PLANNING & PROCESS IMPOVE 90,506.33 946,903.66 15,608.30 163,361.07 HR - FINANCE, ACCOUNTING 15,608.30 163,361.07 33,693.10 352,642.01 3,800.00 11,425.00 HR - LEARNING & ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPME 37,493.10 364,067.01 15,378.77 112,446.63 HR-COMMUNICATIONS 15,378.77 112,446.63 (289.72) HR - ARKLA, ENTEX, SUPPORT & GAS OPERATS (289.72) (181.56) (22,175.70) (136.59) (443.95) (4,485.78) (6,378.00) SHARED SERVICES (33,801.58) 28,347.66 177,096.74 TREASURER 28,347.66 177,096.74 23,440.14 146,438.04 CASH MANAGEMENT 23,440.14 146,438.04 6,129.27 121,359.84 (0.88) CORPORATE RISK MANAGEMENT/INSURANCE 6,129.27 121,358.96 42,247.96 836,510.55 INVESTOR SERVICES 42,247.96 836,510.55 10,212.85 202,214.81 COMMUNICATIONS 10,212.85 202,214.81 34,421.05 681,537.01 (59.44) ADVERTISING & BRAND EQUITY 34,421.05 681,477.57 112,115.29 1,466,289.43 STRATEGIC PLANNING 112,115.29 1,466,289.43 34,482.83 215,425.50 FINANCE/CASH MANAGEMENT 34,482.83 215,425.50 6,609.03 130,859.05 INVESTOR RELATIONS 6,609.03 130,859.05 17,049.48 337,579.78 EVP - REGULATORY 17,049.48 337,579.78 1,206,261.93 VP - REGULATORY POLICY 1,206,261.93 (80.49) 8,888.99 176,001.79 BRANDING/PROMOTIONS 8,888.99 175,921.30 109,148.56 REGULATORY RELATIONS AUSTIN 109,148.56 39,341.90 287,660.04 SR VP HUMAN RESOURCES 39,341.90 287,660.04 947.55 18,761.84 HR-ALLOCATED EXECUTIVE BENEFITS 947.55 18,761.84 448,262.24 (10.92) AUDIT SERVICES 448,251.32 46,654.49 291,465.72 CHIEF RISK OFFICER 46,654.49 291,465.72 1,238,535.49 17,614,306.72
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CENTERPOINT ENERGY, INC. CORPORATE SERVICES CHARGED TO SBUS: Third Quarter 2002 NOTES Sr Exec = Senior Executive Infor Tech & Supp Services = Information Technology & Support Services Corp = Corporate CEO = Chief Executive Officer HR = Human Resources Acct. = Accounting VP = Vice President SR VP = Senior Vice President REI Corp OH refers to the allocation of corporate overhead to the business units. REI Legislative Adv refers to the allocation of regulatory related charges to the business units. Amounts in parentheses represent credits sent to business units. Corp Services 6 of 10


CERC CERC TDU GENCO ------------ ------------ -------------- --------- CNP GAS CNP PIPELINE CNP HOUSTON TEXAS TRANSMISSION SERVICES ELECTRIC, LLC GENCO, LP CO INC -------------- --------- ------------ ------------ SUM OF AMOUNT PACC ------------------------------------------ Cost ctr Cost elem.|Cost element name 0003 0004 0027 0033 ------------------------------------------ -------------- --------- ------------ ------------ 156101 642058 |Facility Mgmt-Fixed 642071 |Fleet Allocation (2.80) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (12.33) FM CORP REAL EST & FAC MGMT - CENTER MGR 156101 TOTAL (15.13) 156102 642071 |Fleet Allocation (2.33) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (11.08) 643505 |Facility ED&C Svcs 159,198.82 13,550.82 11,226.76 FM PROJECT MANAGEMENT 156102 TOTAL 159,185.41 13,550.82 11,226.76 156104 642071 |Fleet Allocation (0.50) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (2.13) FM BLDG OPN - HOU DIV MGR 156104 TOTAL (2.63) 156105 642058 |Facility Mgmt-Fixed 187,746.90 FM BLDG OPN - N ZONE HOUSTON 156105 TOTAL 187,746.90 156106 621016 |Fleet Maint (3,906.54) 642071 |Fleet Allocation (1,063.81) 643501 |Fleet Fuel (399.32) 643512 |Shop Services (370.00) FM BLDG OPN - C ZONE HOUSTON 156106 TOTAL (5,739.67) 156107 621016 |Fleet Maint (2,314.04) 642058 |Facility Mgmt-Fixed 57,711.43 30,689.98 642071 |Fleet Allocation (576.72) 643501 |Fleet Fuel (1.28) FM BLDG OPN - S ZONE HOUSTON 156107 TOTAL 54,819.39 30,689.98 156108 642059 |Facility O&M 350,589.80 33,662.78 48,842.80 642060 |Security Services 10,373.35 996.03 1,445.17 642071 |Fleet Allocation (61.47) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (255.23) FM 1111 LOUISIANA 156108 TOTAL 360,646.45 34,658.81 50,287.97 156109 643528 |Technical Support (816.89) FM IBSC FACILITY 156109 TOTAL (816.89) 156110 642059 |Facility O&M 47,670.60 642060 |Security Services 10,730.15 FM TRAVIS TOWER 156110 TOTAL 58,400.75 156111 642059 |Facility O&M 574,617.42 642060 |Security Services 24,334.77 FM ECDC 156111 TOTAL 598,952.19 156120 642119 |Payroll Services (62,959.39) (32,235.99) (9,330.95) 643535 |Payroll Services 153,273.52 75,621.98 21,688.40 FS PAYROLL PROCESSING 156120 TOTAL 90,314.13 43,385.99 12,357.45 156121 643543 |Check Printing 347.82 FS CHECK PRINTING 156121 TOTAL 347.82 156122 643533 |SS Fin Srvs Hours 594.58 955.58 643537 |RemittanceProcessing 51,436.30 FS REMITTANCE PROCESSING 156122 TOTAL 51,436.30 594.58 955.58 156123 642050 |Fin Trans Variable 22,875.43 1,345.61 8,073.68 642052 |Fin Trans Fixed 8,868.63 403.17 2,418.72 FS BANK RECON / ESCHEAT 156123 TOTAL 31,744.06 1,748.78 10,492.40 156130 642057 |Ofc Supp Svcs-Fixed 642071 |Fleet Allocation (6.10) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (25.80) OSS OFFICE SUPPORT SERVICES MGMT 156130 TOTAL (31.90) 156131 642057 |Ofc Supp Svcs-Fixed 642071 |Fleet Allocation (1.68) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (8.23) OSS HOUSTON FINANCE & ADMIN 156131 TOTAL (9.91) 156132 643542 |Mail Services 24,625.30 7,643.70 2,770.47 OSS HOUSTON MAIL SERVICES 156132 TOTAL 24,625.30 7,643.70 2,770.47 156133 643509 |Cust Billings/Insert 1,215.24 OSS HOUSTON CUSTOMER BILLS 156133 TOTAL 1,215.24 156135 642071 |Fleet Allocation (0.33) 642098 |Records Management 28,782.73 5,876.44 0.66 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (1.63) OSS HOUSTON RECORD ARCHIVES 156135 TOTAL 28,780.77 5,876.44 0.66 156136 642090 |Forms Design & Mgmt 15,044.31 9,791.55 356.97 643526 |Forms Design & Mgmt 438.29 406.97 OSS HOUSTON FORMS 156136 TOTAL 15,482.60 10,198.52 356.97 156137 642071 |Fleet Allocation (0.35) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (1.76) 643519 |Graphics 57,489.46 6,987.87 5,661.91 OSS HOUSTON GRAPHICS 156137 TOTAL 57,487.35 6,987.87 5,661.91 156139 642071 |Fleet Allocation (2.09) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (7.32) 643524 |Document Services 91,342.00 41,222.00 876.00 31.00 OSS HOUSTON COPY CENTERS 156139 TOTAL 91,332.59 41,222.00 876.00 31.00 156140 643536 |Convenience Copiers 6,562.15 2,329.25 133.35 OSS HOUSTON CONVENIENCE COPIERS 156140 TOTAL 6,562.15 2,329.25 133.35 156145 642066 |Purch & Matls Mgmt 49,661.27 P&L PURCHASING & LOGISTICS MGR 156145 TOTAL 49,661.27 156146 642061 |Purch/Contract Svcs 642071 |Fleet Allocation (15.53) CERC CERC CERC CERC ----------- ---------- ----------- CERC CERC ------------- CENTERPOINT CNP CENTERPOINT ------------ --------------- CNP FIELD ENERGY MARKETING, ENERGY CNP GAS MINNEGASCO TDU, GENCO & SERVICES, INC ARKLA INC ENTEX MARKETING CO (SS - INTERIM) CERC ONLY ------------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ------------ --------------- ------------ 0036 0062 0077 0082 0099 9072 GRAND TOTAL ------------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ------------ --------------- ------------ 2,672.79 1,336.39 4,009.18 (2.80) (12.33) FM CORP REAL EST & FAC MGMT - CENTER MGR 2,672.79 1,336.39 3,994.05 (2.33) (11.08) 2,324.07 3,448.62 149.94 189,899.03 FM PROJECT MANAGEMENT 2,324.07 3,448.62 149.94 189,885.62 (0.50) (2.13) FM BLDG OPN - HOU DIV MGR (2.63) 187,746.90 FM BLDG OPN - N ZONE HOUSTON 187,746.90 (3,906.54) (1,063.81) (399.32) (370.00) FM BLDG OPN - C ZONE HOUSTON (5,739.67) (2,314.04) 88,401.41 (576.72) (1.28) FM BLDG OPN - S ZONE HOUSTON 85,509.37 14,455.48 251,055.02 698,605.88 427.72 7,428.29 20,670.56 (61.47) (255.23) FM 1111 LOUISIANA 14,883.20 258,483.31 718,959.74 (816.89) FM IBSC FACILITY (816.89) 20,007.09 67,677.69 4,503.38 15,233.53 FM TRAVIS TOWER 24,510.47 82,911.22 574,617.42 24,334.77 FM ECDC 598,952.19 (2,180.50) (23,396.14) (687.54) (41,959.83) (176.80) (172,927.14) 5,011.00 56,030.09 1,528.30 101,130.26 422.38 414,705.93 FS PAYROLL PROCESSING 2,830.50 32,633.95 840.76 59,170.43 245.58 241,778.79 6,248.98 8.06 17.98 6,622.84 FS CHECK PRINTING 6,248.98 8.06 17.98 6,622.84 955.58 2,505.74 164,412.80 341,383.85 557,232.95 FS REMITTANCE PROCESSING 955.58 164,412.80 341,383.85 559,738.69 1,345.61 16,147.36 4,036.84 56,515.76 110,340.29 403.11 8,868.63 10,078.02 31,040.28 FS BANK RECON / ESCHEAT 1,748.72 25,015.99 4,036.84 66,593.78 141,380.57 6,850.75 4,795.55 11,646.30 (6.10) (25.80) OSS OFFICE SUPPORT SERVICES MGMT 6,850.75 4,795.55 11,614.40 1,389.08 926.06 2,315.14 (1.68) (8.23) OSS HOUSTON FINANCE & ADMIN 1,389.08 926.06 2,305.23 315.56 4,274.65 22,918.64 62,548.32 OSS HOUSTON MAIL SERVICES 315.56 4,274.65 22,918.64 62,548.32 101,098.62 211,872.42 314,186.28 OSS HOUSTON CUSTOMER BILLS 101,098.62 211,872.42 314,186.28 (0.33) 13,229.23 47,889.06 (1.63) OSS HOUSTON RECORD ARCHIVES 13,229.23 47,887.10 102.00 968.94 27,691.71 53,955.48 2,994.85 3,840.11 OSS HOUSTON FORMS 102.00 968.94 30,686.56 57,795.59 (0.35) (1.76) 690.16 34,670.20 105,499.60 OSS HOUSTON GRAPHICS 690.16 34,670.20 105,497.49 (2.09) (7.32) 3,142.00 32,259.00 153.00 169,025.00 OSS HOUSTON COPY CENTERS 3,142.00 32,259.00 153.00 169,015.59 42.00 8,095.15 17,161.90 OSS HOUSTON CONVENIENCE COPIERS 42.00 8,095.15 17,161.90 49,661.27 P&L PURCHASING & LOGISTICS MGR 49,661.27 42,784.52 47,288.15 22,518.17 112,590.84 (15.53)
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CERC CERC TDU GENCO ------------ ------------ -------------- --------- CNP GAS CNP PIPELINE CNP HOUSTON TEXAS TRANSMISSION SERVICES ELECTRIC, LLC GENCO, LP CO INC -------------- --------- ------------ ------------ SUM OF AMOUNT PACC ------------------------------------------ Cost ctr Cost elem.|Cost element name 0003 0004 0027 0033 ------------------------------------------ -------------- --------- ------------ ------------ 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (66.02) P&L LDC PURCHASING SUPPORT 156146 TOTAL (81.55) 156147 642061 |Purch/Contract Svcs 12,876.31 642071 |Fleet Allocation (0.17) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (0.88) P&L GAS DISTIRIB & TRANSP MGR 156147 TOTAL (1.05) 12,876.31 156148 642061 |Purch/Contract Svcs 19,527.02 8,875.92 642071 |Fleet Allocation (0.68) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (2.63) P&L CORP PURCHASING 156148 TOTAL 19,523.71 8,875.92 156149 642051 |Investment Recovery 43,036.26 4,098.69 P&L INVESTMENT RECOVERY 156149 TOTAL 43,036.26 4,098.69 156150 642071 |Fleet Allocation (1.32) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (6.03) P&L CORP PURCHASING MGR 156150 TOTAL (7.35) 156151 642066 |Purch & Matls Mgmt 95,468.16 79,556.79 13,259.46 642071 |Fleet Allocation (10.48) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (38.29) P&L E: PROCUREMENT 156151 TOTAL 95,419.39 79,556.79 13,259.46 156152 642061 |Purch/Contract Svcs 18,375.96 12,495.65 4,410.23 642071 |Fleet Allocation 6,218.55 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles 30,518.76 P&L SUPPLIER DIVERSITY 156152 TOTAL 55,113.27 12,495.65 4,410.23 156153 642124 |AP Services 16,281.27 9,885.06 1,162.95 643529 |Accounts Payable Svs 76,539.18 54,111.60 81,238.23 P&L ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PROC 156153 TOTAL 92,820.45 63,996.66 82,401.18 156160 642060 |Security Services 134,786.70 22,888.31 5,086.30 642071 |Fleet Allocation (0.17) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (0.88) SEC SECURITY MANAGER 156160 TOTAL 134,785.65 22,888.31 5,086.30 156161 642060 |Security Services 151,704.12 11,377.81 642071 |Fleet Allocation (1,241.60) 643501 |Fleet Fuel (4,874.90) SEC CENTRAL MONITORING/PATROL SERVICES 156161 TOTAL 145,587.62 11,377.81 156171 642053 |Sh Srv Adm & X-Chgs 89,735.77 12,258.55 4,486.79 SS SH SRVS ADMIN 156171 TOTAL 89,735.77 12,258.55 4,486.79 156172 642053 |Sh Srv Adm & X-Chgs 46,435.11 6,439.74 3,127.86 SS SH SRVS X-CHARGES 156172 TOTAL 46,435.11 6,439.74 3,127.86 156173 642053 |Sh Srv Adm & X-Chgs 58,414.05 8,101.01 3,934.78 SS IT X-CHARGES 156173 TOTAL 58,414.05 8,101.01 3,934.78 156174 621011 |Info Technology (375.00) 642053 |Sh Srv Adm & X-Chgs 21,588.35 2,993.93 1,454.20 SS CORP SRVS X-CHARGES 156174 TOTAL 21,213.35 2,993.93 1,454.20 GRAND TOTAL 2,664,119.22 418,995.19 239,131.24 31.00 CERC CERC CERC CERC ----------- ---------- ----------- CERC CERC ------------- CENTERPOINT CNP CENTERPOINT ------------ --------------- CNP FIELD ENERGY MARKETING, ENERGY CNP GAS MINNEGASCO TDU, GENCO & SERVICES, INC ARKLA INC ENTEX MARKETING CO (SS - INTERIM) CERC ONLY ------------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ------------ --------------- ------------ 0036 0062 0077 0082 0099 9072 GRAND TOTAL ------------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ------------ --------------- ------------ (66.02) P&L LDC PURCHASING SUPPORT 42,784.52 47,288.15 22,518.17 112,509.29 5,150.52 39,916.56 6,438.16 64,381.55 (0.17) (0.88) P&L GAS DISTIRIB & TRANSP MGR 5,150.52 39,916.56 6,438.16 64,380.50 1,775.19 10,651.10 40,829.23 (0.68) (2.63) P&L CORP PURCHASING 1,775.19 10,651.10 40,825.92 2,732.47 5,464.92 55,332.34 P&L INVESTMENT RECOVERY 2,732.47 5,464.92 55,332.34 (1.32) (6.03) P&L CORP PURCHASING MGR (7.35) 13,259.46 26,518.92 228,062.79 (10.48) (38.29) P&L E: PROCUREMENT 13,259.46 26,518.92 228,014.02 5,880.31 7,350.37 5,880.28 54,392.80 6,218.55 30,518.76 P&L SUPPLIER DIVERSITY 5,880.31 7,350.37 5,880.28 91,130.11 290.73 581.46 872.22 29,073.69 6,853.76 96,727.90 150,563.66 54.08 466,088.41 P&L ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PROC 7,144.49 97,309.36 151,435.88 54.08 495,162.10 5,086.30 5,086.30 172,933.91 (0.17) (0.88) SEC SECURITY MANAGER 5,086.30 5,086.30 172,932.86 11,377.81 174,459.74 (1,241.60) (4,874.90) SEC CENTRAL MONITORING/PATROL SERVICES 11,377.81 168,343.24 881.33 17,012.41 26,653.66 14,582.07 165,610.58 SS SH SRVS ADMIN 881.33 17,012.41 26,653.66 14,582.07 165,610.58 850.98 8,164.68 23.01 21,596.13 1,057.89 87,695.40 SS SH SRVS X-CHARGES 850.98 8,164.68 23.01 21,596.13 1,057.89 87,695.40 1,070.49 15,647.95 28.93 27,167.30 1,330.88 115,695.39 SS IT X-CHARGES 1,070.49 15,647.95 28.93 27,167.30 1,330.88 115,695.39 (375.00) 395.63 3,795.87 10.69 10,040.35 491.83 40,770.85 SS CORP SRVS X-CHARGES 395.63 3,795.87 10.69 10,040.35 491.83 40,395.85 38,630.85 562,911.45 4,948.29 1,497,887.09 395.52 59,564.36 5,486,614.21
NOTES FM = Facilities Management FS = Financial Services OSS = Other Support Services P&L = Purchasing & Logistics SEC = Security SS = Additional Support Services Amounts in parentheses represent credits sent to business units. 8 of 10 Support Services


TDU GENCO CNP HOUSTON ELECTRIC, LLC TEXAS GENCO, LP ------------------------- --------------- Sum of Amount PaCC ------------------------------------------ ------------------------- --------------- Cost ctr Cost elem.|Cost element name 0003 0004 ------------------------------------------ ------------------------- --------------- 156200 621011 |Info Technology (1,870.32) 642069 |IT Allocations 642071 |Fleet Allocation (10.08) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (36.06) IT ADMINISTRATION 156200 TOTAL (1,916.46) 156202 642071 |Fleet Allocation (3.91) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (18.99) IT NCS LAN SERVERS 156202 TOTAL (22.90) 156204 621016 |Fleet Maint (12,984.72) 621017 |Fleet Adj, Damg, Mod (503.07) 621019 |Fleet Services (494.82) 642071 |Fleet Allocation (5,367.66) 643501 |Fleet Fuel (7,320.31) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (64.00) IT NCS NTWK LABOR 156204 TOTAL (26,734.58) 156210 621011 |Info Technology (300,000.00) 621016 |Fleet Maint (481.57) 642071 |Fleet Allocation (217.36) 643501 |Fleet Fuel (311.23) IT SD SAP ADMIN 156210 TOTAL (301,010.16) 156213 643004 |Billable Hours IT SD SAP ESD 156213 TOTAL 156215 642071 |Fleet Allocation (9.35) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (40.39) IT NCS SEC/DIS REC 156215 TOTAL (49.74) 156216 642071 |Fleet Allocation (7.39) 643004 |Billable Hours 319.84 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (26.73) IT SD STRAT DATA SVS 156216 TOTAL (34.12) 319.84 156217 642071 |Fleet Allocation (5.59) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (25.39) IT NCS MESSAGING 156217 TOTAL (30.98) 156218 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (0.88) FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION 156218 TOTAL (0.88) 156220 643004 |Billable Hours 1,870.32 IT SAP-FINANCE APPLICATION 156220 TOTAL 1,870.32 156222 621016 |Fleet Maint (1,713.18) 642071 |Fleet Allocation (668.65) 643501 |Fleet Fuel (808.34) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (171.69) IT NCS DESKTOP SVCS 156222 TOTAL (3,361.86) 156226 642071 |Fleet Allocation (2.91) 643004 |Billable Hours 45,741.47 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (12.27) CENTERPOINT ENERGY TDU 156226 TOTAL 45,726.29 156227 642071 |Fleet Allocation (0.17) 643004 |Billable Hours (0.00) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (0.88) IT SD CORP APPS 156227 TOTAL (1.05) 156232 621016 |Fleet Maint (1,440.34) 621017 |Fleet Adj, Damg, Mod (224.65) 642071 |Fleet Allocation (743.52) 643501 |Fleet Fuel (1,430.97) IT NCS TCOM-BUS DEV 156232 TOTAL (3,839.48) 156240 642069 |IT Allocations 642071 |Fleet Allocation (0.41) 643004 |Billable Hours 33.88 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (1.76) IT SD TOOLS SUPPORT 156240 TOTAL (2.17) 33.88 156244 642071 |Fleet Allocation (2.88)
CERC CERC CERC CNP GAS TRANSMISSION CO CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA CENTERPOINT ENERGY ENTEX ----------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ 0027 0062 0082 ----------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ (6,728.11) (5,504.83) IT ADMINISTRATION (6,728.11) (5,504.83) IT NCS LAN SERVERS IT NCS NTWK LABOR IT SD SAP ADMIN 623.36 IT SD SAP ESD 623.36 IT NCS SEC/DIS REC (879.56) IT SD STRAT DATA SVS (879.56) IT NCS MESSAGING FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION IT SAP-FINANCE APPLICATION IT NCS DESKTOP SVCS CENTERPOINT ENERGY TDU IT SD CORP APPS IT NCS TCOM-BUS DEV 8,792.41 4,145.54 IT SD TOOLS SUPPORT 8,792.41 4,145.54
CERC TOTAL TDU, GENCO MINNEGASCO (SS - INTERIM) & CERC ONLY ------------------------- ---------------- ------------------------- ---------------- 9072 GRAND TOTAL ------------------------- ---------------- (1,870.32) (21,945.82) (34,178.76) (10.08) (36.06) IT ADMINISTRATION (21,945.82) (36,095.22) (3.91) (18.99) IT NCS LAN SERVERS (22.90) (12,984.72) (503.07) (494.82) (5,367.66) (7,320.31) (64.00) IT NCS NTWK LABOR (26,734.58) (300,000.00) (481.57) (217.36) (311.23) IT SD SAP ADMIN (301,010.16) 623.36 IT SD SAP ESD 623.36 (9.35) (40.39) IT NCS SEC/DIS REC (49.74) (7.39) (559.72) (26.73) IT SD STRAT DATA SVS (593.84) (5.59) (25.39) IT NCS MESSAGING (30.98) (0.88) FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION (0.88) 1,870.32 IT SAP-FINANCE APPLICATION 1,870.32 (1,713.18) (668.65) (808.34) (171.69) IT NCS DESKTOP SVCS (3,361.86) (2.91) 45,741.47 (12.27) CENTERPOINT ENERGY TDU 45,726.29 (0.17) (0.00) (0.88) IT SD CORP APPS (1.05) (1,440.34) (224.65) (743.52) (1,430.97) IT NCS TCOM-BUS DEV (3,839.48) 16,331.54 29,269.49 (0.41) 33.88 (1.76) IT SD TOOLS SUPPORT 16,331.54 29,301.20 (2.88)
Infor Tech Services 9 of 10


TDU GENCO CNP HOUSTON ELECTRIC, LLC TEXAS GENCO, LP ------------------------- --------------- Sum of Amount PaCC ------------------------------------------ ------------------------- --------------- Cost ctr Cost elem.|Cost element name 0003 0004 ------------------------------------------ ------------------------- --------------- 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (11.42) IT PTO-PROJECTS 156244 TOTAL (14.30) 156246 642069 |IT Allocations IT MAINFRAME DATA STORAGE 156246 TOTAL 156248 642069 |IT Allocations IT MAINFRAME CPU UTILIZATION LEGACY 156248 TOTAL 156251 621023 |Shops (38,425.99) 641002 |Stores Overhead (249.10) 643528 |Technical Support (1,480.92) IT DATA CIRCUIT MANAGEMENT 156251 TOTAL (40,156.01) 156256 621023 |Shops (10,177.81) 642071 |Fleet Allocation (0.22) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (0.88) IT TELEPHONE - BASIC LINE 156256 TOTAL (10,178.91) 156260 642071 |Fleet Allocation (0.35) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (1.75) IT VOICE SERVICES - MAC'S 156260 TOTAL (2.10) 156264 642071 |Fleet Allocation (0.24) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (0.88) IT SD SAP CCS 156264 TOTAL (1.12) 156286 642069 |IT Allocations 642071 |Fleet Allocation (0.99) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (3.51) IT PTO-TECH/SERVICES 156286 TOTAL (4.50) 156290 642071 |Fleet Allocation (2.43) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (9.65) IT NCS NERVE CENTER 156290 TOTAL (12.08) 156291 621016 |Fleet Maint (1,387.41) 642071 |Fleet Allocation (542.27) 643501 |Fleet Fuel (776.79) IT DIST. COMP. BASIC LINE 156291 TOTAL (2,706.47) 156292 642071 |Fleet Allocation (0.07) 643502 |Fleet Pool Vehicles (0.88) IT SD SUPPORT 156292 TOTAL (0.95) 156298 642057 |Ofc Supp Svcs-Fixed 642088 |Convenience Copiers 642097 |Mail Services 642098 |Records Management IT ALLOCATIONS FROM SS 156298 TOTAL Grand Total (342,484.21) 353.72
CERC CERC CERC CNP GAS TRANSMISSION CO CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA CENTERPOINT ENERGY ENTEX ----------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ 0027 0062 0082 ----------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ IT PTO-PROJECTS (91.83) IT MAINFRAME DATA STORAGE (91.83) (3,656.41) IT MAINFRAME CPU UTILIZATION LEGACY (3,656.41) (6,032.74) IT DATA CIRCUIT MANAGEMENT (6,032.74) IT TELEPHONE - BASIC LINE IT VOICE SERVICES - MAC'S IT SD SAP CCS 9,086.95 11,871.66 IT PTO-TECH/SERVICES 9,086.95 11,871.66 IT NCS NERVE CENTER IT DIST. COMP. BASIC LINE IT SD SUPPORT (453.89) (341.50) (1,109.88) (90.44) IT ALLOCATIONS FROM SS (1,995.71) 11,151.25 4,512.22 (6,032.74)
CERC TOTAL TDU, GENCO MINNEGASCO (SS - INTERIM) & CERC ONLY ------------------------- ---------------- ------------------------- ---------------- 9072 GRAND TOTAL ------------------------- ---------------- (11.42) IT PTO-PROJECTS (14.30) (91.83) IT MAINFRAME DATA STORAGE (91.83) (3,656.41) IT MAINFRAME CPU UTILIZATION LEGACY (3,656.41) (38,425.99) (249.10) (7,513.66) IT DATA CIRCUIT MANAGEMENT (46,188.75) (10,177.81) (0.22) (0.88) IT TELEPHONE - BASIC LINE (10,178.91) (0.35) (1.75) IT VOICE SERVICES - MAC'S (2.10) (0.24) (0.88) IT SD SAP CCS (1.12) 47,901.94 68,860.55 (0.99) (3.51) IT PTO-TECH/SERVICES 47,901.94 68,856.05 (2.43) (9.65) IT NCS NERVE CENTER (12.08) (1,387.41) (542.27) (776.79) IT DIST. COMP. BASIC LINE (2,706.47) (0.07) (0.88) IT SD SUPPORT (0.95) (453.89) (341.50) (1,109.88) (90.44) IT ALLOCATIONS FROM SS (1,995.71) 42,287.66 (290,212.10)
Notes IT = Information Technolgy NCS = Network and Computing Services SAP = Accounting software Amounts in parentheses represent credits sent to business units. Infor Tech Services 10 of 10


TDU GENCO CERC ------------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------------- FOURTH QTR 2002 CENTERPOINT SERVICES BILLED CNP HOUSTON TEXAS CNP GAS CNP PIPELINE CNP FIELD ENERGY FROM CNP CORP ELECTRIC, LLC GENCO, LP TRANSMISSION CO SERVICES INC SERVICES, INC ARKLA --------------- ------------- ---------- --------------- ------------ ------------- ----------- Summarized Categories 0003 0004 0027 0033 0036 0062 ---------- ------------- ---------- --------------- ------------ ------------- ----------- PRESIDENT & CEO 125001 504,338.10 310,454.68 117,908.10 23,352.43 48,787.24 Chief Fin. Officer 125004 186,311.22 120,590.89 36,758.64 8,459.14 48,383.62 Planning and Perform 125007 102,394.87 69,107.71 20,548.26 4,729.30 28,985.47 Corp Communications 125019 337,900.90 205,942.14 74,473.78 15,538.86 33,695.80 Corp Legal 125020 977,184.73 607,329.15 188,254.25 43,318.68 236,066.65 Sr Exec Legal 125021 165,990.31 109,957.15 33,057.19 7,607.87 45,236.10 State Relations 125042 440,045.82 270,807.49 Local Relations 125050 157,777.87 96,989.10 HR IT & SS 125060 (2,513.16) Legal IT & SS 125061 Communications IT & SS 125062 Govt. Affairs IT & SS 125063 Senior Executive IT& 125065 Finance IT & SS 125066 (11,144.69) (8,781.75) Financial Systems 125070 133,863.31 98,877.79 27,905.71 6,424.43 45,106.13 Revenue Accounting A 125093 (2.64) HR-Affirmative Actio 125094 51,006.94 20,637.73 10,305.95 1,505.21 21,422.61 Risk Control Manager 125095 93,514.54 Comptroller 125098 246,125.44 161,578.94 48,837.55 11,239.31 65,838.53 Benchmarking 125099 81,625.37 56,531.59 16,556.65 3,810.91 24,324.29 Chief Accounting Officer 125100 105,814.27 69,753.60 21,031.38 4,840.14 28,548.42 Financial Accounting 125101 377,544.76 256,466.39 75,968.96 17,485.04 108,268.54 Federal Tax 125102 202,954.80 136,606.14 40,682.96 9,363.35 57,138.00 Plant Acct. Admin 125104 70,462.12 43,346.22 15,946.84 3,267.10 8,380.76 Property Accounting- 125105 (9.45) 463.32 State & Local Tax 125109 92,108.48 63,579.70 18,656.84 4,294.28 27,269.42 Property Tax 125111 (11.39) 116,731.60 68,556.65 Property Tax 125112 264.00 Revenue Accounting - 125115 (2.51) Revenue Accounting - 125116 138.16 Revenue Accounting - 125117 4,789.01 Support Services 125120 Commercial Credit 125121 101,391.64 68,898.32 20,404.08 4,696.22 29,096.88 World Energy Congres 125150 (21,361.51) 32,543.65 (1,508.32) 79.77 (2,422.69) Claims 125162 48,368.25 9,531.83 1,353.58 31,965.30 HR - Compensation 125166 419,032.29 186,113.43 80,339.41 13,890.76 178,738.40 HR - Workforce Plann 125175 611,407.49 251,429.88 120,431.32 18,405.18 254,824.46 HR - Finance Account 125180 51,640.15 20,531.76 10,711.91 1,491.48 21,864.72 HR-Learning & Organi 125181 141,814.50 57,152.94 30,650.65 3,922.30 60,662.81 HR-Corp Services,Pip 125183 (0.88) HR-Wellness Activity 125186 (3,220.77) HR - Houston Gas Opt 125189 HR-Communications 125190 87,446.16 37,263.10 17,848.56 2,805.61 38,114.45 HR-Arkla,Entex,Suppo 125191 Shared Services 125197 (37,247.40) Corp Acct Transactio 125198 2,161,555.00 75,576.00 462,726.00 108,308.00 (1,106,289.00) Treasurer 125200 38,696.88 43,521.58 7,133.96 2,312.23 21,704.96 Cash Management 125202 34,087.38 35,469.97 6,473.83 2,066.69 19,916.70 Corp Risk Mgmt/Ins 125203 271,833.60 166,687.80 55,313.34 12,640.57 29,041.41 Investor Services 125205 175,420.78 107,656.83 36,838.44 8,149.77 18,359.97 Communications 125206 37,100.51 22,691.14 6,779.96 1,730.35 4,220.45 Advertising&Brand Eq 125207 (147,959.55) (90,729.91) (30,128.97) (6,880.12) (15,799.94) Strategic Planning 125209 302,790.73 199,109.76 60,198.97 13,853.96 81,088.26 Finance/Cash Mgmt 125210 50,274.76 60,984.67 8,974.61 2,957.78 26,964.10 Investor Relations 125211 85,897.77 52,782.23 18,884.52 3,985.16 8,708.35 EVP Group Pres 125221 74,517.55 45,688.69 15,096.96 3,465.57 133,767.59 VP - Regulatory Poli 125222 813,375.83 500,204.07 Branding/Promotions 125225 557,505.58 344,393.24 117,357.18 26,077.31 58,907.42 Reg Relations Austin 125226 77,320.19 47,532.48 SR VP Human Resource 125307 156,415.31 67,484.03 31,430.86 5,068.63 67,846.62 HR-Allocated Executi 125309 620,604.08 382,630.04 152,825.87 28,685.40 57,456.11 Audit Services 125400 70,816.26 187,193.43 25,296.40 Chief Risk Officer 125402 54,414.74 60,728.89 10,062.73 3,256.32 30,651.80 Order Direct Assessment 1,730,244.40 394,316.66 33,113.93 3,679.33 547,173.32 ------------- ------------ ------------ ----- ---------- ------------ TOTAL CORPORATE COSTS 12,828,634.92 6,149,925.63 2,145,116.29 (0.00) 431,237.90 1,470,052.09 ------------- ------------ ------------ ----- ---------- ------------ CERC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOURTH QTR 2002 SERVICES BILLED CNP INDUSTRIAL LA UNIT GAS UNIT GAS CENTERPOINT CNP GAS FROM CNP CORP MARKETING, INC GAS SUPPLY TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION CO ENERGY ENTEX RESOURCES CORP. --------------- -------------- ---------- ------------ --------------- ------------ --------------- Summarized Categories 0077 0079 0080 0081 0082 0084 ---------- -------------- ---------- ------------ --------------- ------------ --------------- PRESIDENT & CEO 125001 12,339.60 1,271.79 2,277.90 800.82 80,427.02 20,335.90 Chief Fin. Officer 125004 1,243.00 177.93 293.48 194.81 59,656.47 829.67 Planning and Perform 125007 721.90 137.02 114.65 143.61 33,882.24 425.39 Corp Communications 125019 6,346.50 896.79 1,468.00 781.57 63,203.27 11,426.89 Corp Legal 125020 6,202.20 684.07 1,801.72 787.69 302,293.35 4,481.17 Sr Exec Legal 125021 1,141.90 193.43 219.98 206.08 54,124.28 711.98 State Relations 125042 72,737.10 Local Relations 125050 26,438.47 HR IT & SS 125060 Legal IT & SS 125061 Communications IT & SS 125062 Govt. Affairs IT & SS 125063 Senior Executive IT& 125065 Finance IT & SS 125066 Financial Systems 125070 1,060.55 297.35 9.38 297.89 47,595.59 464.01 Revenue Accounting A 125093 HR-Affirmative Actio 125094 467.88 29,746.92 Risk Control Manager 125095 17,371.06 3,439.55 1,752.43 14,817.88 71,446.01 Comptroller 125098 1,673.18 266.53 350.26 286.68 79,688.18 1,071.49 Benchmarking 125099 595.20 129.19 67.68 133.08 27,567.44 323.57 Chief Accounting Officer 125100 723.27 118.57 145.85 126.96 34,370.81 457.54 Financial Accounting 125101 2,684.41 528.04 395.68 550.79 125,570.78 1,550.83 Federal Tax 125102 1,425.80 266.45 233.35 279.87 67,013.85 847.17 Plant Acct. Admin 125104 1,469.38 184.89 312.11 146.31 11,636.86 2,554.98 Property Accounting- 125105 State & Local Tax 125109 668.75 142.85 79.84 147.44 31,025.69 367.39 Property Tax 125111 Property Tax 125112 Revenue Accounting - 125115 Revenue Accounting - 125116 Revenue Accounting - 125117 Support Services 125120 149.03 17.18 22.83 76.44 694.17 Commercial Credit 125121 721.24 142.16 105.82 148.24 33,731.22 416.18 World Energy Congres 125150 2,088.64 (67.90) 55.14 (371.11) (1,568.64) 2,757.60 Claims 125162 45,557.90 HR - Compensation 125166 4,433.64 262,229.17 HR - Workforce Plann 125175 5,703.18 354,624.58 HR - Finance Account 125180 465.19 30,290.87 HR-Learning & Organi 125181 1,231.30 84,078.95 HR-Corp Services,Pip 125183 HR-Wellness Activity 125186 HR - Houston Gas Opt 125189 19,566.38 HR-Communications 125190 881.66 54,279.05 HR-Arkla,Entex,Suppo 125191 (731.53) Shared Services 125197 Corp Acct Transactio 125198 157,449.00 (89,066.00) 56,611.00 (320,987.00) (1,059,885.00) 309,412.00 Treasurer 125200 7,087.69 1,206.58 839.33 5,236.91 37,906.74 30,447.14 Cash Management 125202 6,632.51 1,321.89 663.65 5,693.12 35,005.35 27,222.26 Corp Risk Mgmt/Ins 125203 2,696.22 796.38 1,131.06 964.82 49,498.63 6,510.97 Investor Services 125205 2,288.87 498.53 743.32 548.61 31,089.02 4,819.35 Communications 125206 (1.54) 119.06 145.34 181.52 7,330.73 472.86 Advertising&Brand Eq 125207 (1,478.08) (433.18) (615.89) (523.72) (26,925.76) (3,555.76) Strategic Planning 125209 2,061.47 327.26 433.45 352.18 98,208.23 1,322.07 Finance/Cash Mgmt 125210 8,605.57 1,166.31 1,207.72 5,130.78 46,748.10 38,934.14 Investor Relations 125211 1,526.88 232.73 373.91 213.88 14,591.85 2,816.82 EVP Group Pres 125221 33,159.73 3,492.77 6,213.06 2,266.48 220,754.49 54,947.48 VP - Regulatory Poli 125222 Branding/Promotions 125225 7,081.88 1,601.73 2,372.25 1,787.69 99,839.62 15,147.61 Reg Relations Austin 125226 SR VP Human Resource 125307 1,599.75 97,400.42 HR-Allocated Executi 125309 18,898.00 1,460.85 2,893.83 484.75 93,193.66 29,202.71 Audit Services 125400 202,371.25 20,237.13 Chief Risk Officer 125402 10,030.37 1,739.14 1,167.84 7,541.15 53,568.36 42,880.04 Order Direct Assessment 14,092.87 21,753.81 11,438.65 22,068.98 1,878,612.64 112,144.19 ---------- ---------- --------- ----------- ------------ ---------- TOTAL CORPORATE COSTS 343,539.65 (44,956.25) 95,324.62 (249,484.80) 3,908,344.60 814,122.95 ---------- ---------- --------- ----------- ------------ ---------- CERC ------------------------------------------------------------- FOURTH QTR 2002 SERVICES BILLED LA TRANS CNP GAS CNP RETAIL MINNEGASCO FROM CNP CORP DIV OF ENTEX MARKETING CO INTERESTS, INC (SS - INTERIM) --------------- ------------ ------------ -------------- -------------- Summarized Categories 0085 0099 0271 9072 Grand Total ---------- ------------ ------------ -------------- -------------- ------------ PRESIDENT & CEO 125001 13,104.42 4,177.22 415.80 58,678.94 1,198,669.96 Chief Fin. Officer 125004 173.72 393.88 0.95 42,422.22 505,889.64 Planning and Perform 125007 101.63 221.38 0.37 23,246.97 284,760.77 Corp Communications 125019 8,413.19 2,630.62 279.75 39,249.37 802,247.43 Corp Legal 125020 862.41 2,009.84 5.81 220,085.17 2,591,366.89 Sr Exec Legal 125021 160.24 355.30 0.71 37,734.83 456,697.35 State Relations 125042 783,590.41 Local Relations 125050 281,205.44 HR IT & SS 125060 (2,513.16) Legal IT & SS 125061 (0.00) Communications IT & SS 125062 (0.00) Govt. Affairs IT & SS 125063 (0.00) Senior Executive IT& 125065 (0.00) Finance IT & SS 125066 (19,926.44) Financial Systems 125070 151.38 304.26 0.03 30,186.70 392,544.51 Revenue Accounting A 125093 (2.64) HR-Affirmative Actio 125094 106.64 17,367.84 152,567.72 Risk Control Manager 125095 2,830.56 19,699.47 0.22 224,871.72 Comptroller 125098 234.44 524.27 1.13 55,987.17 673,703.10 Benchmarking 125099 84.14 178.99 0.22 18,497.45 230,425.77 Chief Accounting Officer 125100 101.41 225.89 0.47 24,063.11 290,321.69 Financial Accounting 125101 378.31 819.19 1.28 85,679.60 1,053,892.60 Federal Tax 125102 200.63 438.16 0.75 46,086.22 563,537.50 Plant Acct. Admin 125104 1,791.11 563.88 58.59 8,237.58 168,358.73 Property Accounting- 125105 453.87 State & Local Tax 125109 94.49 201.60 0.26 20,877.71 259,514.74 Property Tax 125111 185,276.86 Property Tax 125112 264.00 Revenue Accounting - 125115 (2.51) Revenue Accounting - 125116 138.16 Revenue Accounting - 125117 4,789.01 Support Services 125120 27.37 188.73 1,175.75 Commercial Credit 125121 101.65 220.03 0.34 23,007.98 283,082.00 World Energy Congres 125150 360.44 183.97 80.58 (292.22) 10,557.40 Claims 125162 136,776.86 HR - Compensation 125166 1,004.95 192,493.28 1,338,275.33 HR - Workforce Plann 125175 1,301.61 212,651.36 1,830,779.06 HR - Finance Account 125180 105.86 17,183.87 154,285.81 HR-Learning & Organi 125181 279.39 45,063.72 424,856.56 HR-Corp Services,Pip 125183 (0.88) HR-Wellness Activity 125186 (3,220.77) HR - Houston Gas Opt 125189 19,566.38 HR-Communications 125190 200.39 40,825.98 279,664.96 HR-Arkla,Entex,Suppo 125191 (731.53) Shared Services 125197 (37,247.40) Corp Acct Transactio 125198 41,075.00 17,509.00 (205.00) 492,066.00 1,305,855.00 Treasurer 125200 1,204.06 8,352.67 0.13 32,915.32 238,566.18 Cash Management 125202 1,078.60 7,507.72 0.08 30,863.52 214,003.27 Corp Risk Mgmt/Ins 125203 6,438.36 1,942.95 231.64 32,198.39 637,926.14 Investor Services 125205 4,241.55 1,296.65 148.43 20,699.10 412,799.22 Communications 125206 820.40 236.36 32.32 4,448.13 86,307.59 Advertising&Brand Eq 125207 (3,506.06) (1,058.37) (126.07) (17,524.07) (347,245.45) Strategic Planning 125209 288.81 646.20 1.40 69,027.93 829,710.68 Finance/Cash Mgmt 125210 1,536.51 10,619.36 0.21 39,868.34 303,972.96 Investor Relations 125211 2,141.11 666.61 71.90 10,077.04 202,970.76 EVP Group Pres 125221 35,733.04 11,374.55 1,137.74 160,493.55 802,109.25 VP - Regulatory Poli 125222 1,313,579.90 Branding/Promotions 125225 13,532.13 4,129.66 475.37 66,258.62 1,316,467.29 Reg Relations Austin 125226 124,852.67 SR VP Human Resource 125307 363.31 72,778.79 500,387.72 HR-Allocated Executi 125309 16,712.15 5,429.93 504.57 71,670.28 1,482,652.23 Audit Services 125400 505,914.47 Chief Risk Officer 125402 1,696.07 11,769.94 0.17 46,591.42 336,098.98 Order Direct Assessment 7,039.56 2,309.76 4,777,988.10 ---------- ---------- -------- ------------ ------------- TOTAL CORPORATE COSTS 159,202.83 119,431.82 3,120.15 2,391,767.21 30,565,379.61 ---------- ---------- -------- ------------ -------------


TDU GENCO CERC ------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------- FOURTH QTR 2002 CNP FIELD CENTERPOINT SERVICES BILLED CNP HOUSTON TEXAS CNP GAS CNP PIPELINE SERVICES, ENERGY FROM CNP CORP ELECTRIC, LLC GENCO, LP TRANSMISSION CO SERVICES INC INC ARKLA --------------- ------------- ---------- --------------- ------------ ----------- ----------- Summarized Categories 0003 0004 0027 0033 0036 0062 ---------- ------------- ---------- --------------- ------------ --------- ---------- FM CORP RE & FM MGR 156101 (8.47) 3,642.62 FM PROJECT MANAGMENT 156102 216,711.79 29,068.49 25,253.76 243.65 293.84 1,022.07 FM BLDG OPN-HOU DIV 156104 (34.86) FM BLDG OPN - N ZONE 156105 216,310.27 FM BLDG OPN - C ZONE 156106 (1,906.21) FM BLDG OPN - S ZONE 156107 85,405.76 47,162.66 FM 1111 LOUISIANA 156108 (510.24) FM IBSC Facility 156109 59.41 FM TRAVIS TOWER 156110 35,102.72 FS PAYROLL PROC MGR 156120 115,544.55 60,854.84 19,492.79 4,259.44 45,749.10 FS CHECK PRINTING 156121 (1,243.25) 4,598.55 FS REMIT PROC MGR 156122 83,271.82 594.58 1,083.00 1,083.00 205,323.86 FS BANK RECONCILIATE 156123 51,167.19 6,565.65 22,725.39 2,088.01 25,469.82 OSS OFFICE SERV MGMT 156130 (33.92) 15,210.58 OSS FINANCE & ADMIN 156131 1,311.71 OSS HOU MAIL SRVS 156132 81,137.38 19,318.34 8,277.23 929.90 11,307.47 OSS HOU CUST BILLS 156133 (21,465.94) 28,001.21 OSS APPLIANCE SVCS 156134 OSS RECORD ARCHIVES 156135 9,230.52 1,885.59 0.21 OSS HOUSTON FORMS 156136 14,789.31 8,719.21 308.37 88.11 1,191.82 OSS HOU GRAPHICS 156137 76,527.96 3,081.58 34,890.70 426.42 OSS HOU COPY CENTERS 156139 234,283.03 94,048.84 3,309.77 1,293.44 7,126.76 OSS HOU CONV COPIERS 156140 (7,587.86) (3,122.52) (48.36) (14.83) P&L PURCH & MM MGR 156145 61,776.77 P&L LDC Purchasing 156146 (4.29) 49,647.21 P&L Gas Distrib Mgr 156147 (1.09) 16,961.91 6,784.77 P&L CORP PURCH 156148 24,302.18 11,047.37 2,209.48 P&L INVESTMENT RECOV 156149 34,632.03 3,298.29 2,198.86 P&L CORP PURCH MGR 156150 (6.46) P&L E:Procurement 156151 80,769.02 67,425.44 11,237.56 11,237.56 P&L SUPPLIER DIVERS 156152 46,765.29 31,971.82 11,284.17 15,045.56 P&L A/P PROCESS MGR 156153 102,979.38 69,073.15 89,708.35 31,095.00 110,346.17 SEC SECURITY MGR 156160 169,796.32 28,840.05 6,408.90 6,408.90 SEC Cen Monitor/Patr 156161 112,887.14 8,870.05 SS VP SHARED SERV 156165 (25.00) SS SH SRVS ADMIN 156171 134,787.18 18,412.89 6,739.35 1,323.81 25,553.40 SH SRVS X-CHARGES 156172 60,529.39 8,394.37 4,077.25 1,109.27 10,642.87 SS IT X-CHARGES 156173 93,846.13 13,014.83 6,321.48 1,719.81 21,877.95 SS CORP SRVS X-CHRG 156174 13,872.58 1,923.87 934.45 254.24 2,439.20 Order Facilities Mgmt (1,178.16) Order SS - to Reliant Resources Inc (24,571.27) ------------ ---------- ---------- ------ --------- ---------- TOTAL SHARED SERVICES 2,122,479.37 516,103.73 283,311.94 243.65 51,931.94 583,793.75 ------------ ---------- ---------- ------ --------- ---------- CERC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOURTH QTR 2002 INDUSTRIAL CNP GAS SERVICES BILLED CNP GAS LA UNIT GAS UNIT GAS CENTERPOINT RESOURCES FROM CNP CORP MARKETING, INC SUPPLY TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION CO ENERGY ENTEX CORP. --------------- -------------- ---------- ------------ --------------- ------------ ---------- Summarized Categories 0077 0079 0080 0081 0082 0084 ---------- -------------- ---------- ------------ --------------- ------------ ---------- FM CORP RE & FM MGR 156101 FM PROJECT MANAGMENT 156102 12,309.65 FM BLDG OPN-HOU DIV 156104 FM BLDG OPN - N ZONE 156105 FM BLDG OPN - C ZONE 156106 FM BLDG OPN - S ZONE 156107 FM 1111 LOUISIANA 156108 FM IBSC Facility 156109 FM TRAVIS TOWER 156110 14,732.39 FS PAYROLL PROC MGR 156120 1,246.64 72,284.61 FS CHECK PRINTING 156121 (16.77) 6.49 FS REMIT PROC MGR 156122 409,524.42 FS BANK RECONCILIATE 156123 15,404.75 95,355.88 OSS OFFICE SERV MGMT 156130 OSS FINANCE & ADMIN 156131 OSS HOU MAIL SRVS 156132 63,688.23 OSS HOU CUST BILLS 156133 77,829.22 OSS APPLIANCE SVCS 156134 OSS RECORD ARCHIVES 156135 4,244.90 OSS HOUSTON FORMS 156136 25,371.70 OSS HOU GRAPHICS 156137 46,575.74 OSS HOU COPY CENTERS 156139 76,458.05 OSS HOU CONV COPIERS 156140 (3,425.82) P&L PURCH & MM MGR 156145 P&L LDC Purchasing 156146 54,873.23 P&L Gas Distrib Mgr 156147 52,581.94 P&L CORP PURCH 156148 13,256.85 P&L INVESTMENT RECOV 156149 4,397.72 P&L CORP PURCH MGR 156150 P&L E:Procurement 156151 22,475.13 P&L SUPPLIER DIVERS 156152 18,806.96 P&L A/P PROCESS MGR 156153 163,686.83 SEC SECURITY MGR 156160 6,408.90 SEC Cen Monitor/Patr 156161 8,870.06 SS VP SHARED SERV 156165 SS SH SRVS ADMIN 156171 40,035.01 SH SRVS X-CHARGES 156172 29.99 28,151.12 SS IT X-CHARGES 156173 46.49 43,646.12 SS CORP SRVS X-CHRG 156174 6.87 6,451.87 Order Facilities Mgmt Order SS - to Reliant Resources Inc --------- ----- ----- ----- ------------ ----- TOTAL SHARED SERVICES 16,717.97 (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) 1,358,597.20 (0.00) --------- ----- ----- ----- ------------ ----- CERC ---------------------------------------------------------- FOURTH QTR 2002 SERVICES BILLED LA TRANS CNP GAS CNP RETAIL MINNEGASCO FROM CNP CORP DIV OF ENTEX MARKETING CO INTERESTS, INC (SS - INTERIM) --------------- ------------ ------------ -------------- -------------- Summarized Categories 0085 0099 0271 9072 Grand Total ---------- ------------ ------------ -------------- -------------- ------------ FM CORP RE & FM MGR 156101 1,821.31 5,455.46 FM PROJECT MANAGMENT 156102 284,903.25 FM BLDG OPN-HOU DIV 156104 (34.86) FM BLDG OPN - N ZONE 156105 216,310.27 FM BLDG OPN - C ZONE 156106 (1,906.21) FM BLDG OPN - S ZONE 156107 132,568.42 FM 1111 LOUISIANA 156108 (510.24) FM IBSC Facility 156109 59.41 FM TRAVIS TOWER 156110 49,835.11 FS PAYROLL PROC MGR 156120 299.90 50,630.53 370,362.40 FS CHECK PRINTING 156121 3,345.02 FS REMIT PROC MGR 156122 700,880.68 FS BANK RECONCILIATE 156123 218,776.69 OSS OFFICE SERV MGMT 156130 10,647.45 25,824.11 OSS FINANCE & ADMIN 156131 874.50 2,186.21 OSS HOU MAIL SRVS 156132 184,658.55 OSS HOU CUST BILLS 156133 84,364.49 OSS APPLIANCE SVCS 156134 (0.00) OSS RECORD ARCHIVES 156135 15,361.22 OSS HOUSTON FORMS 156136 50,468.52 OSS HOU GRAPHICS 156137 161,502.40 OSS HOU COPY CENTERS 156139 1,177.31 417,697.20 OSS HOU CONV COPIERS 156140 (14,199.39) P&L PURCH & MM MGR 156145 61,776.77 P&L LDC Purchasing 156146 26,130.11 130,646.26 P&L Gas Distrib Mgr 156147 8,480.95 84,808.48 P&L CORP PURCH 156148 50,815.88 P&L INVESTMENT RECOV 156149 44,526.90 P&L CORP PURCH MGR 156150 (6.46) P&L E:Procurement 156151 193,144.71 P&L SUPPLIER DIVERS 156152 15,045.60 138,919.40 P&L A/P PROCESS MGR 156153 47.32 566,936.20 SEC SECURITY MGR 156160 217,863.07 SEC Cen Monitor/Patr 156161 130,627.25 SS VP SHARED SERV 156165 (25.00) SS SH SRVS ADMIN 156171 21,902.93 248,754.57 SH SRVS X-CHARGES 156172 1,379.02 114,313.28 SS IT X-CHARGES 156173 2,138.14 182,610.95 SS CORP SRVS X-CHRG 156174 316.11 26,199.19 Order Facilities Mgmt (1,178.16) Order SS - to Reliant Resources Inc (24,571.27) ----- ------ ----- ---------- ------------ TOTAL SHARED SERVICES (0.00) 299.90 (0.00) 140,591.28 5,074,070.73 ----- ------ ----- ---------- ------------


TDU GENCO CERC ------------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------ CNP PIPELINE CENTERPOINT FOURTH QTR 2002 SERVICES CNP HOUSTON TEXAS CNP GAS SERVICES CNP FIELD ENERGY BILLED FROM CNP CORP ELECTRIC, LLC GENCO, LP TRANSMISSION CO INC SERVICES, INC ARKLA ------------------------ ------------- ------------ --------------- -------- ------------- ------------ Summarized Categories 0003 0004 0027 0033 0036 0062 ---------- ------------- ------------ --------------- -------- ------------- ------------ IT ADMINISTRATION 156200 (13,795.01) (20,075.40) (16,425.34) IT NCS LAN SERVICES 156202 (6.28) IT NCS NTWK PLNG 156204 (17,358.69) IT SD SAP ADMIN 156210 (10,347.16) IT SD SAP ADMIN 156213 (623.36) IT NCS SEC/DIS REC 156215 (13.65) IT SD STRAT DATA SVS 156216 (7.62) 599.70 (0.00) IT NCS MESSAGING 156217 (82.50) Finance & Administra 156218 (6.16) Finance & Administra 156220 13,793.61 IT DESKTOP SITE SUP 156222 (3,446.67) CNP TDU 156226 (19.95) IT SD CORP APPS 156227 (1.40) IT SD ENTEX/ARKLA 156230 (12.59) IT NCS TCOM-BUS DEV 156232 2,366.35 IT SD ENT HR & CORP 156234 (9.76) IT SD TOOLS SUPPORT 156240 (19.41) 11,834.39 5,579.80 IT PTO-PROJECTS 156244 (29.90) IT MF Data Storage 156246 (1,919.78) IT Mainframe CPU 156248 (76,438.47) IT Call Cntr-Basic 156250 (1.40) IT Data Circuit Mgmt 156251 (23,445.54) IT Tele - Basic Line 156256 (10,708.25) IT Voice Svs - MAC's 156260 (30.33) IT ARCHITECTURE 156286 (2.04) 12,987.93 16,968.10 ENTERPRISE SYS MGMT 156290 (33.32) IT Dist. Comp. Basic 156291 (1,118.88) IT SD SUPPORT 156292 (0.88) IT Allocation frm SS 156298 (2,379.95) WBS element IT Application Support 1,445.07 WBS element IT Baseline Support 4,890.12 400,939.89 WBS element IT Business Care Dev (55,269.20) WBS element IT Business Seperation 163,085.64 WBS element IT Decommissioning 9,796.87 WBS element IT FERC 0.00 0.00 (0.00) WBS element IT Fiber 48,642.27 WBS element IT Financial Systems Support 1,716.24 WBS element IT Legacy 37,006.43 WBS element IT Lotus Notes 947.90 32,824.07 33,013.70 WBS element IT Mgmt Application Support 29,969.33 WBS element IT Misc Services 17,365,979.17 2,050,832.46 1,409,351.99 2,155,395.35 WBS element IT Mobile Data 89,800.05 30,034.20 WBS element IT Operations Support 143.02 WBS element IT Production Support 28,250.41 24,019.97 WBS element IT Rate Case/Legal Support 8,676.69 WBS element IT SAP 47,106.73 64,585.29 87,853.19 WBS element IT SAP Implen & Traning 8,400.02 3,411.88 638.48 2,274.60 WBS element IT Wireless 117,311.77 ------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ------------ TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 17,754,807.45 2,119,429.33 1,848,501.35 (0.00) (0.00) 2,346,105.66 ------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ------------ GRAND TOTAL 32,705,921.74 8,785,458.69 4,276,929.58 243.65 483,169.84 4,399,951.50 ------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ------------ CERC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOURTH QTR 2002 INDUSTRIAL CNP GAS SERVICES BILLED CNP GAS LA UNIT GAS UNIT GAS CENTERPOINT RESOURCES FROM CNP CORP MARKETING, INC SUPPLY TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION CO ENERGY ENTEX CORP. --------------- -------------- ---------- ------------ --------------- ------------ ---------- Summarized Categories 0077 0079 0080 0081 0082 0084 ---------- -------------- ---------- ------------ --------------- ------------ ---------- IT ADMINISTRATION 156200 IT NCS LAN SERVICES 156202 IT NCS NTWK PLNG 156204 IT SD SAP ADMIN 156210 IT SD SAP ADMIN 156213 IT NCS SEC/DIS REC 156215 IT SD STRAT DATA SVS 156216 IT NCS MESSAGING 156217 Finance & Administra 156218 Finance & Administra 156220 IT DESKTOP SITE SUP 156222 CNP TDU 156226 IT SD CORP APPS 156227 IT SD ENTEX/ARKLA 156230 IT NCS TCOM-BUS DEV 156232 IT SD ENT HR & CORP 156234 IT SD TOOLS SUPPORT 156240 IT PTO-PROJECTS 156244 IT MF Data Storage 156246 IT Mainframe CPU 156248 IT Call Cntr-Basic 156250 IT Data Circuit Mgmt 156251 (6,274.47) IT Tele - Basic Line 156256 IT Voice Svs - MAC's 156260 IT ARCHITECTURE 156286 ENTERPRISE SYS MGMT 156290 IT Dist. Comp. Basic 156291 IT SD SUPPORT 156292 IT Allocation frm SS 156298 WBS element IT Application Support 243,823.19 WBS element IT Baseline Support 37,190.35 WBS element IT Business Care Dev 9,683.51 WBS element IT Business Seperation WBS element IT Decommissioning WBS element IT FERC 0.00 WBS element IT Fiber WBS element IT Financial Systems Support 36,393.31 WBS element IT Legacy WBS element IT Lotus Notes 19,891.15 WBS element IT Mgmt Application Support 48,675.44 WBS element IT Misc Services 2,088,863.62 WBS element IT Mobile Data 28,885.86 WBS element IT Operations Support WBS element IT Production Support 1,516.62 WBS element IT Rate Case/Legal Support WBS element IT SAP 1,893,114.70 WBS element IT SAP Implen & Traning 2,394.31 WBS element IT Wireless TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) 4,404,157.59 (0.00) ----------- ---------- --------- ----------- ------------ ---------- GRAND TOTAL 360,257.62 (44,956.25) 95,324.62 (249,484.80) 9,671,099.39 814,122.95 ----------- ---------- --------- ----------- ------------ ---------- CERC ---------------------------------------------------------- FOURTH QTR 2002 SERVICES BILLED LA TRANS CNP GAS CNP RETAIL MINNEGASCO FROM CNP CORP DIV OF ENTEX MARKETING CO INTERESTS, INC (SS - INTERIM) --------------- ------------ ------------ -------------- -------------- Summarized Categories 0085 0099 0271 9072 Grand Total ---------- ------------ ------------ -------------- -------------- ---------------- IT ADMINISTRATION 156200 (65,482.28) (115,778.03) IT NCS LAN SERVICES 156202 (6.28) IT NCS NTWK PLNG 156204 (17,358.69) IT SD SAP ADMIN 156210 (10,347.16) IT SD SAP ADMIN 156213 (623.36) IT NCS SEC/DIS REC 156215 (13.65) IT SD STRAT DATA SVS 156216 592.08 IT NCS MESSAGING 156217 (82.50) Finance & Administra 156218 (6.16) Finance & Administra 156220 13,793.61 IT DESKTOP SITE SUP 156222 (3,446.67) CNP TDU 156226 (19.95) IT SD CORP APPS 156227 (1.40) IT SD ENTEX/ARKLA 156230 (12.59) IT NCS TCOM-BUS DEV 156232 2,366.35 IT SD ENT HR & CORP 156234 (9.76) IT SD TOOLS SUPPORT 156240 21,981.85 39,376.63 IT PTO-PROJECTS 156244 (29.90) IT MF Data Storage 156246 (1,919.78) IT Mainframe CPU 156248 (76,438.47) IT Call Cntr-Basic 156250 (1.40) IT Data Circuit Mgmt 156251 (29,720.01) IT Tele - Basic Line 156256 (10,708.25) IT Voice Svs - MAC's 156260 (30.33) IT ARCHITECTURE 156286 68,465.91 98,419.90 ENTERPRISE SYS MGMT 156290 (33.32) IT Dist. Comp. Basic 156291 (1,118.88) IT SD SUPPORT 156292 (0.88) IT Allocation frm SS 156298 (2,379.95) WBS element IT Application Support 245,268.26 WBS element IT Baseline Support 443,020.36 WBS element IT Business Care Dev 1,598.67 (43,987.02) WBS element IT Business Seperation 163,085.64 WBS element IT Decommissioning 9,796.87 WBS element IT FERC 0.00 0.00 WBS element IT Fiber 48,642.27 WBS element IT Financial Systems Support 38,109.55 WBS element IT Legacy 37,006.43 WBS element IT Lotus Notes 3,141.57 89,818.39 WBS element IT Mgmt Application Support 9,144.21 87,788.98 WBS element IT Misc Services 1,080,863.95 26,151,286.54 WBS element IT Mobile Data 148,720.11 WBS element IT Operations Support 143.02 WBS element IT Production Support 2,838.58 56,625.58 WBS element IT Rate Case/Legal Support 8,676.69 WBS element IT SAP 2,092,659.91 WBS element IT SAP Implen & Traning 2,494.06 19,613.35 WBS element IT Wireless 117,311.77 TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) 1,125,046.52 29,598,047.90 ---------- ---------- -------- ------------ ------------- Grand Total 159,202.83 119,731.72 3,120.15 3,657,405.01 65,237,498.24 ---------- ---------- -------- ------------ ------------- Positive amount = billed amount by co 0002 Excluded Other CNP Subs 2,828,978.08 Negative amount = receivable amount from co 0002 Excluded Orders (999,790.63) Excluded Primaries (6,941,845.90) Excluded Capital Orders 1,172,487.64 Excluded Capital WBS (961,289.37) Ties to Qtrly Cost Overview 70,138,958.42